WWB 115 gr fmj Failure to Feed in LC9


New member
I went to range today to get trigger time on my LC9 and wanted to take pictures of my targets for posting here for some of the LC9 owners. Instead I ran into a malfunction. Round number 60, Winchester white box 115 gr fmj, failed to chamber. I tried to pull the slide back and it was stuck pretty good. I tried to slap the slide forward, would not budge. The last round sounded normal (did not seem like it was under powered). Well, that pretty much ended my day at the range. I went home and was thinking something was seriously wrong. I was able to rack the slide back by bracing the slide on my work bench and applying some downward pressure on the frame. And this is the round that I found.

Has this ever happened to anybody else? Do you think this was caused by the gun? What internal mechanism can peel the brass back like that?

I also inspected my LC9 and there was nothing in there that was broken or looked bent or out of place. I cleaned it and assembled. Function check was normal.

Oddly enough, I have found a round just like this in a WWB box not too long ago.


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New member
OMG - Make your photo smaller!!!

And yes - it can happen. The bullet probably wasn't set properly at the factory. It can happen now and then with lower quality ammo.


New member
If it was round #60 then id say it may have just been a quality controll issue with the ammo itself. It does happen when a factory loads tens of thousands of rounds a day one can get overlooked perhaps on a crimp real easy. If it was the gun id say it would have to have done it to all of them or at least scratch the rest of the cases. Ruger has a very good reputation for making things right with customers issues whether they issue a written waranty or not. I would definately contact them and see what they say.


New member
I also believe that was an ammo issue, not a pistol malfunction. The recoil spring is not strong enough to tear brass like that when chambering a new round. This is not the first picture of Winchester WB I've seen like this, although I shoot tons of the stuff and I've never seen it first-hand.


New member
I'm thinking it's the ammo too. Maybe I missed the defect while I was loading. I also shot Fiochi and Federal today, right before the Winchester. No failure with those ammo. I've shot WWB with most of my pistols as they are the cheapest bulk 9mm without going to steel cased ammo. I have not had a problem until now.


New member
If you are running XP Windows makes a Power Toy resizer which you install and all you have to do is right click on the thumbnail to resize it. If you google up MS Power Toy resizer you will find some clones which work for Vista and Windows 7.