WW2 Rifles?


New member
I'm looking to buy a WW2 or WW1 bolt action rifle. Ialready have a .30-06 and .30-40 krag. What would be another .30 rifle that is accurate and somewhat lighter than the model 1917 Springfield?


New member
There was no Model 1917 Springfield. There was the Model 1903 Springfield (WWI), the Enfield Model 1917 (WWI), and the Browning Automatic Rifle Model 1917. The Model 1903-A3 Springfield was used in WWII, as were the M1 Garand, the M1 Carbine, the M1941 Johnson, and the BAR Model 1919.
Besides the US rifles, there were the European rifles: Gewehr Standard Modell 1898 (WWI)- Imperial Germany; Rifle, short magazine, Lee-Enfield aka SMLE (WWI & WWII)- England and all Commonwealth nations; Model 1889 Lebel (WWI)- France; Mannlicher 1895 (WWI)- Austro-Hungarian Empire; M1891 Mannlicher-Carcano (WWI)- Italy, and the 1891 Mosin-Nagant (WWI)- Imperial Russia. And don't forget the non-combatant and neutral nations: Switzerland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Montenegro, Abania, and so on. Then the WWII rifles, the South American rifles, the African rifles, the Asian rifles . . . anyway, you get the idea, there are a lot of rifles to choose from.
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New member
I'm sorry I was thinking the .30-40 krag when I said Springfield. I'm kinda thinking the Karabiner 98, but I'm not sure how those things shoot and wanted some opinions.


New member
Here's a few ideas: :D

M1 Garand:

Lee Enfield No4 MK1:

M1903 Springield:

Mosin Nagant:



New member
do you know how they match up to the enfield of the krag?
Can't comment on the Krag, but compared to a Lee-Enfield, a Mauser Model 98 has a generally stronger action and a more failsafe extractor design, it won't double-feed because it fires a rimless cartridge, it's generally more accurate in its original military trim, and its bolt can be opened with the rifle on-safe. However, it can't touch the Lee-Enfield's rate of fire. :D


New member
i want a lee enfield, 10 rounds:D and then a k98 or arisaka. i want 1 allied and 1 axis milsurp. was thinking k31 too but haven't seen ammo for that around:( and when i reload i can use same bullets for both:D


New member
they only make 7.7 arisaka around me, but thats what i plan on buying since i can keep the brass and load it with .303 bullets, which are plentiful


New member
K31s are generally among the most accurate milsurps. Ammo is a bit scarce and pricey, but it can be found. Ammoman has it for $275 a case.

I think this will be my next rifle. Need something else for the Vintage matches.


New member
Swedish Mauser shoots nice but I found the sights to be pretty user-unfriendly and not real conducive to accuracy.