(WV) Men picked wrong cabin for a B&E


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Men recovering, facing charges

RED HOUSE -- Three Putnam County men are in the hospital recovering from gunshot wounds after they allegedly broke into a Red House cabin.

Chief Deputy John Dailey said Danny "Chico" Smith was returning to his cabin on a trail near Ohio Apex Road when he saw three men standing beside his residence.

He approached the men and a verbal argument ensued, Dailey said. Smith then entered the cabin, grabbed a shotgun and started shooting, according to police.

Shotgun pellets hit each of the men. One was hit twice, but another man was hit 19 times. Smith was using a single-shot shotgun, Dailey said.

Buffalo residents Scott Craig and Wesley "Sonny Buck" Williams and Hizer Creek resident Brandon Cochran were found at the scene, each riddled with shot.

The initial call for help came from one of the wounded men, who ran to a nearby home and called Putnam County Emergency Services, reporting that he had been shot.

He later was found at the residence, while the other men were found hiding in the brush.

All three men are being treated at Putnam General Hospital and face charges of breaking and entering. Dailey said investigators recovered a gun they believe was stolen from the cabin.

No charges have been filed against Smith.



New member
Well Good,
Thats the best news I have heard this day... Hopefully, this group will think a bit harder before the next time, and there will be next time, always is.



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Home owner shoots alleged burglars

Home owner shoots alleged burglars

By: Raquel Dixon, WSAZ Charleston

CHARLESTON, WV, Sept. 30 - Three burglars left with gunshot wounds instead of loot. The homeowner admitted shooting them. But, the homeowner may be in more trouble than the alleged burglars.

It's against the law to shoot at people if they're running away from you, even if you believe they robbed you. Police say you need to remember, the only time you can legally shoot someone is if they pose a threat to your safety.

Danny Smith didn't hesitate to tell police he shot at three men. He said he worried about his safety and the safety of his neighbors.

"I didn't know if they had one of my guns out there that they could have picked up if they could have shot me and nobody would have ever known about it," said Smith.

Police walked toward Smith's home to investigate. They found what they believe to be the get away car.

Smith's home is about a mile up a path, it takes about ten minutes to get from there to the main road. He and his neighbors, say living so far from the city you have to count on more than just police for protection.

Larry Perkins is Smith's neighbor. He and his wife, Helen saw the alleged burglars. Perkins brought his gun outside for protection.

"There's five families down in here and we all have to look out after each other and you got to protect yourselves. I'm sure anyone else who's down here is gonna do the same thing," said Perkins.

He says that's why he doesn't think Smith should face charges for shooting the men. But police say the evidence shows the men were running away.

Chief John Dailey said, "There has to be a definite threat of harm or injury to the person, you can't just shoot somebody cause they walked in your door."

Still, neighbors say if they catch someone in their homes, they may take the law into their own hands.

Police say if someone comes at you with a gun or knife, you definitely have the right to defend yourself.

But you may have to go to court to defend you actions.

Police say a few years ago in the same area, burglars shot a man in his son's home. They believe that could have prompted Smith's reaction to shoot these suspects.

Monday night, police hadn't charged anyone in the case.
