WTOP bit on college carry in VA

chris in va

New member
Anybody hear this nonsense? Ask the Governor program, comments made about his support for concealed carry on campus. Despite being a general advocate for gun rights, he felt it a bad idea for college kids to be carrying weapons, but suggested an armed teacher might make a difference in such a situation.

Unless something changed since I lived there, you can do so with two exceptions. They failed to mention it's the college that bans carry, not the state. As if the Governor has anything to do with it.


New member
Campus carry in VA gets a bit confusing. For example, VCU is the only campus where carry is banned by law (under threat of trespass). Every other campus instead has a policy that prevents students and faculty from carry under punishment of expulsion/termination. There is no legal action that I am aware of that can be taken against a student that carries on campus in that situation.
Furthermore, schools have the ability to pass an official ruling (I forget the correct terminology) that can prevent non-student/faculty from carrying on campus under threat of trespass, but I believe that is limited to buildings only. So far GMU has this ruling, and I believe other school are trying to do the same.

The VA Supreme Court ruled last year that these bans are constitutional, but I recall that something to do with the pro-carry argument was too narrowly defined, and that they filed another suit using a different basis.

Personally, if the legislature passed a Campus Carry law, I do not think Gov McDonnell would veto it.