WTK info on tracers

in the coming weeks i have the opportunity to shoot at a kick-a$$ outdoor range, and i would like to shoot some tracers. can anyone tell me whrer i can pick these up in .45 ACP, .40 S&W, 9mm? also are tracers ok to shoot out of all guns? i would really hate to screw up my guns.

thanks in advance,

Strapped with HKs


New member
Tracers are OK to shoot out of your valued firearms; they don't melt the barrel down into a sewer pipe, as some people think. Military-surplus tracers in the calibres you want are either hard-to or impossible to find, so your next best bet would be to try to find some Hornady Vectors. They work exactly the same way as tracers, leaving a streak of light along the bullet path, but they burn out much quicker than most true tracers.


New member
If usin military tracers, use extreme caution when shooting outdoors. They can start fires. Usually when you not tryin to do so.

Thanks for the info fellas!

I tried a few of the sites that i know of for ammo, but i couls\dn't find Hornady Vectors. Does anyone know of a site that sells them at a reasonable price? any input is appreciated.

thanks in advance,

Strapped with HKs

Navy joe

New member
Umm, I agree tracers are a blast but, how does your"kick-a$$ outdoor range feel about this? Some folks get away with plinking the ranges resident squirrels however, if you were to set the hapless squirrel and surrounding woodland ablaze the range staff might take your actions with just a bit of disdain. Ask then blast away, I say.


New member
I believe that the only tracer ammo available commercially is .22LR from http://www.outlandsales.com and some 12 GA trap loads from Winchester. You can sometimes find surplus military tracers in 5.56mm.

The US military has purchased tracer ammo in .38 Spl and .45 ACP for signalling purposes, but not recently. If you find it at gunshows, it is pretty pricey because it is almost a collectors' item.