wtc hush money


New member
Continued debate over an "equitable" formula for disbursing billions to survivor families of the World Trade Center begs the question: why are these unfortunate families entitled to taxpayer handouts at all? The purpose of life insurance is to protect against financial calamity, and life insurance is all the vast majority of Americans will ever have to relieve their personal loss, whatever the cause.

This compensation plan is basically hush money to protect the airlines, and further puts the federal government in the position of establishing not only a costly precedent for future terrorist victim compensation, but is a concession of negligence on the government's part.

Americans voluntarily gave $1.5 billion in compassionate contributions to the 9-11 funds. We should not be levied another $4-6 billion for the same cause.

The Pentagon familes, it should be noted, are not part of the payout at all.


Well, like others I gave a donation. I gave it on the idea that the funds were to help these people through the trying times. You know, pay the bills, buy food, take care of stuff untill the insurance money kicked in. I never intended to make the survivor families millionares out of this. As noted, what about the pentagon and airline passengers survivor families?

USMC Retired

Sergeant Bob

New member
It should also be noted that many of the surviving family members are lining up to sue the government because they don't feel that 1.6 million dollars is adequate compensation for their losses. Also, because the government plans to deduct the amount of their life insurance payments from the disbursements. They feel that it isn't "fair" that they should receive less from the taxpayers than those who failed to have the foresight to purchase adequate life insurance.
Even in the midst of these tragic events, once again, greed rears it's ugly head.