WSM vs. RUM wars


New member
I am sure this question has come up before. I did a search on my questions but could not find an answer.

I believe Winchester and Remington came out with their short mag cartridges at the same time. Since they have been in the marketplace, it appears the WSM cartridges have been better supported than the RUM cartridges. It also appears the consumer favors the WSM. It is a little difficult to decide if the consumer or industry drove the apparent favoritism for the WSM.

Do other folks here believe WSM has won out over the RUM? Will RUM be dead in five years? Discussion please.


New member
I have a 300WSM & like it. I bought it mostly for bear hunting. A year ago I used it, one shot one bear. I load it less than the max area & it's like a souped up 30-06. I do think it is doing much better than the Rem version. There are many cartridges that are close to each other & it doesn't matter a bit what we carry. As a reloader with some empties I can get by with just about anything.
G'day, please excuse my ignorance, I am a little bit isolated way down here in the outback.
I know that,
1, WSM is short for Winchester short magnum.
2, WSSM is short for Winchester super short magnum.
3, RUM ?

I am thinking that as soon I see the answer I will say 'I should have known that'. I am hoping others want to know the same thing.


New member
The RUM stands for Remington Ultra Mag and IIRC it is offered in 7mm, .300, .338, and .375 and they are not "Short Action" rounds like the WSM. Plus the RUM rounds are real beasts to shoot having far more recoil and muzzle blast than most people can handle. My friend bought a .375 RUM and got rid of it in the same month because he couldn't handle the recoil and didn't want to sink the money into the rifle to add a muzzle brake and a Mercury system like his Smith suggested.

Remington introduced a Short Action Ultra Mag or SAUM around the same time the WSM rounds came out. The Rem round has a little less powder capacity than the WSM round and was introduced in the 7mm and .300 SAUM. The WSM rounds just seem to have had better marketing than the SAUM that Remington produced and thus gained popularity faster.