Wrote my Senators today....


New member
I hope you wrote yours to oppose the gun control being pushed. I promised, it won’t fix the Chicago problem, same as every other gun control legislation.

Write them daily.

Where is Hornady? Where is the NRA? Is there a web page that I can search for all my representatives at once from President down to city and write them all the same letter?


New member
You mentioned about new gun laws not fixing the Chicago problem. You are correct; new laws will not fix the Chicago problem. However, what you and all of us have to keep in mind is that the Biden Administration's goal is to confiscate ALL GUNS but starting with AR-15's and all high capacity magazines for rifles, pistols and shotguns. There is nothing else that is going to satisfy them. They think that this will satisfy the Chicago problem and all violence problems involving guns.


New member
Won't take the time to write my senators. Not needed here in IDAHO!

Won't take the time to write my senators. Not needed here in California either, but sadly for different reasons.

My senators are Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla, who was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom.


New member
I’m sure the votes are pretty much party line, but I think there is value in applying punlic pressure.
Nathan said:
Where is Hornady? Where is the NRA? Is there a web page that I can search for all my representatives at once from President down to city and write them all the same letter?

I often write my state and local officials. Unfortunately, my U.S. Representative and both of my U.S. Senators are among the worst of the die-hard, anti-gun people in Washington, so there's no point in even bothering to contact them. I used to try, but it's a waste of my time and effort.


New member
I have mixed feelings on “it’s useless” to write your senators. I understand the logic and practicality. Perhaps a letter supporting the legislative filibuster would be appropriate if you know that gun control is a pointless topic. The legislative filibuster is the only thing saving us from an AWB and other major gun control measures right now, and it’s being attacked pretty hard. It’s saving us from some other rather dreadful laws too, I’m afraid. One political side is pulling out all stop signs to get their way with no roadblocks, to include framing the filibuster as a “Jim crow” artifact. If there aren’t loud voices standing up, our country will look very different very soon.


New member
I have mixed feelings on “it’s useless” to write your senators.

Yeah, me too. My senators (Minnesota) would probably just write me off as a gun fanatic and ignore me on this and anything else I would ever contact them about.

But NOT writing them feels bad too.

I have written to folks in the government that support things I support telling them I am not in their district or constituency but that I appreciate the position they are taking. I hope they appreciate the moral support.


New member
The only thing Democratic politicians do is cower to the cowards. I laugh when they talk about America being a free country, where they're whole agenda is to take your freedom away so they can be in control. They want the freedom to control everyone. And when the populace can't fight back, they win. That is there agenda. Because they know that gun control will not ever stop crime. They just want to appease the cowards within our population.


New member
The only thing Democratic politicians do is cower to the cowards. I laugh when they talk about America being a free country, where they're whole agenda is to take your freedom away so they can be in control. They want the freedom to control everyone. And when the populace can't fight back, they win. That is there agenda. Because they know that gun control will not ever stop crime. They just want to appease the cowards within our population.

I don't get worked up about the situation because it is one that I can't control. My advice is to enjoy your freedom while it lasts :)


New member
I can understand those of you who are frustrated because you feel ignored by your representatives, but if none of us write our reps, they go on thinking that they are doing what the public wants. Pester them. Even the Democrats. Tell them they are wrong. They can't ignore all of us. Let your voice be heard!

The state of this country is exactly the way it is because more SJWs and liberals are raising a big stink and being the squeaky wheel than we are.

Every gun forum I go on, I see a lot of gun owners saying either "it will never happen" or "it's already a done deal". If few of us can even type out an email or make a phone call, then yeah we could be the UK or Canada by this time next year.

Over 200 years of freedom, don't let it end now with a whine.


New member
Write, call, send an email. Do something! If your Congress critter is one of the communists (AKA Democrats) then write them, and carbon copy a constitutionalist senator or representative.

Make them aware that you monitor their votes. Pay attention to govtrack.us, and track bills and the lies contained in them at congress.gov. when an anti-constitution bill is put forth with a constitutional basis which is unsupportable point that out to your Congress critter.

Don't let these people off the hook. If they get enough letters and emails and phone calls pointing out their hypocrisy, and the perjury they commit with each one of these bills relative to their oath of office there is hope that they will begin to understand they put their continued political profession at risk.

This year I have a new representative in Congress. I am pressing her to form relationships with other constitutionalists who understand the importance of the second Amendment. I have encouraged my Congress critters to use any means available to defend the Constitution. If that means Congress comes to a complete stop and the government shutters for lack of a budget so be it. Frankly we're better off if they just don't do anything.


New member
I hope you wrote yours to oppose the gun control being pushed. I promised, it won’t fix the Chicago problem, same as every other gun control legislation.

Write them daily.

Where is Hornady? Where is the NRA? Is there a web page that I can search for all my representatives at once from President down to city and write them all the same letter?
I try to email a senator at least twice a week. It also helps to phone their office and make a pro/con vote on any issue coming before them. They record the constitute "votes" and many pay very close attention to them. Remember, they don't care about the issue.....only your votes.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk


New member
I live in NY state. Writing UpChuck Schumer & Dizzy Gillibrand just wastes time. - But I did email them - just to say - THANK YOU, - I SPENT ALL MY STIMULUS ON FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION.


New member
Something to consider....they want you to think it is a waste of time. When you keep writing, they have to worry at least some that the tide has turned against them.