Wrong Focus on Controls


New member
I argue with a lot of my liberal friends that I do not have a problem with disallowing guns to the "wrong people". We fight often because they seem to think every person is a suspect who should not be trusted.

I tell them our rights under the Constitution are not negotiable but that individual persons can be deprived of 1 or more liberties UNDER DUE PROCESS OF LAW. Someone convicted of certain crimes fits this circumstance. I fully support severe laws about felons being disallowed. Implementation would not be that hard. My state of NC issues driver's licenses with 1 color background if you are under 21 and another color if you are over. Helps store clerks quickly see if under or over 21. We could do the same things with criminal records. For example, an orange dot in the corner if one has disqualifying offenses.

Parolees could be subject to search of person or premises at any time, without notice. At least 1 random search should happen during the course of parole. We find a weapon, you go back to prison, finish your sentence, plus 1 additional year per contraband weapon.

Any parolee or repeat offender charged with "possession of firearm by felon" should be jailed with no bail. Parolees back to their old cell, no pass GO, no collect $200. Repeat offender, no bail. No parole when sentenced.

Similar action with parole absconders. They & repeat offenders have committed a lot of the murders in my community, and a great deal of the other crimes as well.

By same token, I would not object to rights being restored after a period of time, if an offender can prove he is not habitual and has gotten back on the right track. Lots of options here, just throwing it out to discussion. 1 unusual case in our community was that someone attacked a store owner. A nearby employee pulled the owner's shotgun & shot the thug. Turns out the employee was a felon. DA debated whether to charge him & I think decided not to. I have no problem with that either. The guy disobeyed a law, but for the right reason & stopped a crime in progress.

I have no problem with a similar block on those with mental health issues. Problem is that MH is a much more subjective issue. Most people have some up & down days, bad moods, etc. Some are evil waiting to happen. Obviously, a scizophrenic person who does some bizzare deed goes on the list right away. I fear authorities could find or create loopholes to use at their discretion and make broad sweeps. Can anyone think of a reliable procedure not easily subject to corruption?

My thinking is to start the focus on those proven unworthy of the right to bear arms. Joe Average Citizen starts off with "full rights & privileges", benefit of every doubt unless he proves different. We all know that most gun owners are honest upstanding people.

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