

Are those peppers from your garden? They sure look good, betcha' that Walker stings a bit too. :D

Nice picture!

I wonder if a custom loading of crushed, dried and powdered habanero over a wad, over a bit of BP would be an effective less-than-lethal defense load.


New member
Hmmmm, maybe a few folks like peppers over french toast. ;)

The reason I snapped that photo with all the hot peppers is because as you can see on the can of GOEX black powder there is an image of a hot pepper.


New member
The problem with the photo contest is that the Black Powder firearms get no respect over there. There are too many people that snub their noses at the BP stuff because they consider them toys and not real weapons.

I was just kind of surprise that within hours of the poll opening that the two nicest photos (not mine) were getting their butts kicked by the French Toast photo. My personal favorite is Officer's Match's photo. I guess I shouldn't be surprise that the Walker is losing.

The Photos

The Voting Poll

p.s. thanks for the votes fellas but French Toast in going to win. :rolleyes:


New member
More photos of ClemBert's lady firing his BP guns would be sure to garner more votes! :D
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