Wow! Russians free to buy AR-15's?!?!

Jeff Thomas

New member
Received from an RKBA list I'm on - now I really am getting depressed:

"FW: russky_ad...AR-15's now for sale in Russia, but not in California.

Clearly illustrating that Russia may really on the road to freedom despite what you hear in the mainstream press, this add illustrates one area of freedom that has been achieved in Russia, an area just recently denied in California, New Jersey, and New york City.

One wonders how and why this happened. I don't wonder, I know that America is well and truly on the road to pure fascism and disarmament is the method of achieving that."

Well, if this is true, it is pretty damn sobering, eh? As bad as things are, I tended to feel that we were one of the last bastions of freedom. If Russian citizens can buy 'pre-ban' AR-15's, then I just don't know what to say.

Oleg, what do you make of this? Bogus?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
AR15, SVD and other rifles hang ont he walls of Russian gun stores...but are not available to peasants. By law, pretty much no one can buy them...but some folks are more equal than others.

The reality as I see it is that Russia has made small steps towards us (5% of the way) and we have regressed the rest of the way to a muck heap.

