WOW am I glad we split from England...


New member
Ok, so I peeked at some more of it towards the end...

The English are beyond hope...

Save for the few Brits we have here! :)

Are most people in England for gun control, or is it just your tyrannous govt???


New member
Yep, see what happens when you don't have a constitution that demands private citizens can own arms?

If we didn't have the 2nd, we'd be in the same sorry state.


New member
There is no crime in Ingerland. Just ask them. Denial is not in Egypt afterall. I think it's in Devonshire somewhere.:rolleyes:

However, once again, the article misses the point. Gun control never was intended to be about crime. It's about controlling the people who the government oversees.


New member
DMK, the right to arms is in the British Constitution! But if two wolves and a sheep can vote on dinner--who cares!!!


New member
However, once again, the article misses the point. Gun control never was intended to be about crime. It's about controlling the people who the government oversees.

Well, perhaps the article doesn't state it clearly, but I sure as hell got that message loud and clear. You'd have to be an idiot not to.
If one were to read George Hanger (Reflections on the Menaced Invasion - late 18th century) and Hans Busk (The Rifle and How to Use It - mid 19th century) both writers were giving instructions on either how to use "volunteer" forces or the training of volunteers. When Britain felt threatened by invasion (as she was in 1940), she turned to her citizens to help the Army repel the foreign invader. It appears it is now time for her citizens to turn on her.


New member
DMK, the right to arms is in the British Constitution!
You're kidding me! :confused:

What did they do repeal it? Obviously, they aren't being allowed to keep and arms at all.


New member
DMK, the right to arms is in the British Constitution! But if two wolves and a sheep can vote on dinner--who cares!!!

As far as i know, no real "British Constitution" exists. They use legal precident and their courts to determine the merit of new laws.


New member
"That Subjects which are Protestants may have Armes for their defence Suitable to their Condition and as allowed by Law." 1 W. & M., Sess. 2, c. (1689).

PeteyPete, yes, that would be an excellent PhD thesis: define the British Constitution. Ah, the terror of democracy!