Wow! A picture is worth a thousand words


Staff Alumnus
In this case, words are indescribable

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New member
This is a gut renching photo.

But I think in the coming days the EAGLE will be seen swooping down with talons outstreched to avenge the blood that was spilled.



Staff Alumnus
We will never forget!

On September 11th, 2001, a day that will be forever etched into our memories, our great nation was attacked. Faceless cowards attacked us. Cowards who utilized innocent lives for their demented cause. We are now a nation that is scarred and hurt. Yet, no matter the sadness these terrorists inflict upon this great country, we will prevail as Americans. We will fight back!

Let us not forget the great men working endlessly in New York and Washington. These firefighters, Policemen, Red Cross and EMT volunteers have worked countless hours in hopes of saving another life. Yes, they are doing their job but are also going above and beyond their call of duty. Real life, day to day heroes.

Let us fly our flags to symbolize our condolences, patriotism and state We will not forget nor will we back down!![/I].

Those that can, go give blood the upcoming weeks. When a major tragedy like this hits, blood will always be a valuable asset and short supply.

In addition, despite all of our emotions running high, adrenaline pumping strong and hatred towards the perpetrators of this horrible crime, lets keep our calm and think with a level head. After all, those are traits that us gun owners possess over the everyday citizens.

Let us never forget this tragedy. It’s a time for us all to support our President. Whether you like him or not, he needs and deserve our support.

Lastly, the bastards that masterminded this catastrophe will pay. They will learn the true might of the United States of America.


New member
I am somewhat insulted by the picture. Now is not the time to cry, it is the time to kick ass. It is time for a completely irrational testosterone-filled violent act of vengeance. Let them cry, we need to get angry.


New member
Good image, I saw it too at

It kind of sums it up a bit, I am not insulted by it. I am angered and saddened by the events and it would be with a tear in my eye that I eradicated all those a-holes responsible. After all they forced us to do what it we will have to do and that is a sad thing.
The perps need a mjor a$$ whippin!!