wouldn't killing all the opium plants put the hurt on Al Queda?


New member
talk in the news is theyre looking to strike again as big or bigger than 9/11. wouldnt stopping their opium production pretty much end their income to fund terror?


New member
Those poppy plants are a monster part of the GNP of some countries . We know about them but allow it to exist so as not to upset their economic apple cart .


New member
1.) No. It would lessen their money supply, but not end it. They would find other ways. It really doesn't seem to me that the plans for Sept. 11 required much money. There are plenty of ways to hurt this country that does not require millions and millions.

2.) If you really want other countries to respect the idea that we are a sovereign country, then you have to respect the sovereignty of other countries. Being America really doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want in other people's backyards. It does, however, give us the power.

3.) You don't care about other people's rights? Then stop complaining about what other people do to us. Concepts like honor, right & wrong, morals, and ethics, have a lot more to do with what you do, and don't change because of what other people do.

4.) You want to take a pragmatic approach? Fine, but use diplomacy this time. Poppies put money into a lot of pockets, and those people will need convincing.


New member
If we stopped trying to wipe out plants and punish people for what they choose to put in their bodies, the profit margin wouldn't be so high, and they'd have to smuggle a truckload of opium instead of a few bricks to make a thousand bucks.


Destroy Poppies?

I'd bet they get gobs of money from petroleum. Shall we destroy that as well?

"Poppies, poppies, poppies, poppieeeees."
Wicked Witch of the West
Wizard of Oz



New member
If we stopped trying to wipe out plants and punish people for what they choose to put in their bodies, the profit margin wouldn't be so high, and they'd have to smuggle a truckload of opium instead of a few bricks to make a thousand bucks.

If we did what you say they wouldn't have to smuggle it at all, they would bring it in by the freighterload and make their money on volume.


New member
If we did what you say they wouldn't have to smuggle it at all, they would bring it in by the freighterload and make their money on volume.

Yeah, just like the few remaining American farmers "make money" on wheat, right? :D


Wisdom in croyance's words.

Plus, many of the poppy farmers (as I understand it) are ANTI- al queda (allied with the US), so we don't want to hurt their ability to make money. We can't admit as much, being the war on drug country that we are, but you can bet the top brass is thinking that.


New member

As I recall the chronology, when we invaded Afganistan the "bad" muslums had banned the growing of the poppies. Only after we'd freed the folks could they ignore the religious taboos of drugs.


New member
Yes - we pressured the Taliban to put an end to poppy harvest and they complied. Now the crop has returned. But it's not clear if it's controlled by our enemies or our allies (if you one call them allies).

Legalization of heroin would probably take the profit out of drugs but have other harmful effects domestically that need to be considered.

As someone said 9-11 didn't take that much money and UBL probably has the finances covered (assuming he's still alive/in charge) from his personal savings. I don't think money will ever be a problem for them unfortunately.

On a related note anyone ever seen the BBC miniseries "Traffik"?


Maybe George can declare "war on poppies", pledge to "root them out to the ends of the earth", and run his re-election campaign on that one too.


New member
1.) No. It would lessen their money supply, but not end it. They would find other ways. It really doesn't seem to me that the plans for Sept. 11 required much money. There are plenty of ways to hurt this country that does not require millions and millions.

2.) If you really want other countries to respect the idea that we are a sovereign country, then you have to respect the sovereignty of other countries. Being America really doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want in other people's backyards. It does, however, give us the power.

3.) You don't care about other people's rights? Then stop complaining about what other people do to us. Concepts like honor, right & wrong, morals, and ethics, have a lot more to do with what you do, and don't change because of what other people do.

Standing ovation from this corner!