Would you vote for


New member
A candidate that spoke little to no english, was fluent in another language, but met all criteria to become president (almost impossible, but hey this is TFL)

Here is the kicker, you agree with him/her on more topics than any other candidate, that includes, the 2nd, border security, the economy, international relations, education, retirement....etc...

The person has a great record, politically and personally, is highly educated...
Let's say the person spoke Icelandic... let the discussion begin.


New member
no, even though this person agrees with me on all those issues, he or she would be unable to do the basic work to achieve these goals.


I don't see how one could be born in the US and spend at least 14 years here without learning the language. :confused: That would make me question that individual's intelligence and desire to be American.


New member
I don't see how one could be born in the US and spend at least 14 years here without learning the language. That would make me question that individual's intelligence and desire to be American.

Let's say the person knows little english, and has a record of trying to learn English...the person knows enough English to order food, but not enough to communicate without a translator.

How would you answer?


Let's say the person knows little english, and has a record of trying to learn English...the person knows enough English to order food, but not enough to communicate without a translator.

How would you answer?
If after 14 years a 35 year old cannot become proficient in a language beyond the ability to order food that individual is not smart enough to lead a country. :p


New member
How would I know for sure he believed in the same things as I did if he could not articulate them clearly.

What am I reading position papers by the Committee to Elect Mr. Icelander. How do I know he agrees with them.

I want someone that can explain my position at least as well as I can.

If he was deaf or mute that would be a different story, but if he cannot speak the language then how would I truely know that he believe the position.


New member
Hell no. Especially if the candidate didnt care to learn English. It shows a lack of respect. When I was stationed in Germany, I made every effort to use the broken German that I previously learned. Did the Germans know I was an American? Hell yes... except when I was hammered. Then the true accent came out. Even when I butchered sentences, they appreciated the fact that I tried to speak their language.

I cant vote for someone who doesnt represent me. If you dont speak the language that I do, you are too far from whom I would consider worthy of an honorable representation. Language is too much of an important tool in our society... in all societies.