Would you rather buy from a gun shop or a pawn shop

Would you buy from your local gun shop or a pawn shop

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I wonder what the difference is..I've bought 8 pistols from local gun shops. Same paper work. All the time.

The pawn shop had some weird paper work and gave me paper that looked like a 10 year old made it. About safety and if it's ever around kids it's my fault and I had to sign it?

Well the one from the pawn shop was a Taurus Millennium PT145 and no details but it was junk. Wasn't thinking about it then to hold off..the shop is right here in Miami. But I overdrafted $343 in my account (one of my folks took out money for a bill under false assumption that I had more) I bought the gun for $580 -__- sold it back for $280.

Pawns are weird to me though. They have nice guns though :)


New member
Last time I was in a pawn shop (on a whim) they had a Hi Point 9mm (used) for $340 :D:D, not kidding, so that tells you where I shop.


New member
Wherever best deal for what I want is. I have bought from gun shops, pawn shops, individuals and gun shows.
I think the question is pointless.


New member
define 'local gun shop.' most of the shops in my town are sporting goods stores, fishing stores, outdoors stores & pawn shops that happen to sell guns. price, selection & condition will dictate where I buy a firearm, not the business itself. for example, I will never buy a gun from Gander Mtn or Cabelas because I think their prices are over-inflated. Why would I spend $100-200 more for a gun at a big box store when I can just go to gunbroker.com or some smaller mom & pop store that sells the same gun cheaper?


New member
Your poll should have had the third option of 'doesn't matter' or either/or. That is my position so I didn't vote. :)


New member
It all depends on the place and their attitude.
Where I used to live the pawn shop was easier to deal with, the people that owned it were personable and knowledgable. The local guns shops seemed to only be interested in selling what they wanted to sell.

Where I live now, the pawn shop is not that decent, and the gun shops are far superior. It all depends on the person behind the counter.


New member
Around here, the best place for any gun purchases is a pawn shop, one inparticular...(www.erwinpawn.com). The shops are all way over priced and not very helpful but Erwin's is very fair, friendly and knowledgeable.


New member
I live near Lawton, OK. Lawton has no gunshops. There are a couple dozen pawnshops whose role in life is to rip off the GIs at Ft. Sill. Gun prices in those Lawton pawnshops are sky high. i order my guns through a pawnshop in another town. My cost is the dealers price +$40.


New member
i never been inside a pawn shop

Say What???!!!!

Sometimes ya can find a good deal and sometimes they are higher than everywhere else...

.. just like anything else.. you have to know what you are looking for and what its worth before you go lookin

Jake Balam

New member
All my pawn shops in town sell a 300 dollar Taurus for 400 and always try to talk you into buying a jimenez arms 9mm as the best SD handgun around

Glenn Dee

New member
I voted "GUN SHOP"... Because a best friend owns a brick n morter gun shop. A friendly place where the coffee is always on, there are always deals to be had, she and her employee's are very knowledgable, and friendly. Did I mention the coffee? There are seats around the store where one can sit and swap lies with all the regulars and other customers. And of course enjoy a cup of coffee.

That having been said I have, and will continue to float in and out of the many local pawn shops. In fact just last week I found a lil smith 36 about 85% blue with a 3" heavy bbl. for $300. OTD. ( the origonal Mother of pearl grips are worth $100.)