Would you laugh in the face of a .380

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New member
This is the counterpart of this thread:

So, if you were on the wrong end of a pistol and you recognized that the pistol is a .380, would you laugh and go ahead and proceed to attack the person?

(I know, the barrel diameter is the same as other 9mm cartridges that are more powerful, but for the fun of it, pretend you know it is just a little puny .380)

For me, I don't want to be shot with anything, much less a .380. :)

My point is that for some situations, the assailant doesn't want to be shot and the mere presence of a firearm might cause them to turn and run.


New member
Marcus Aurelius: Death smiles on us all. All a man can do is smile back.

I second that running idea.


New member
I recognize firearms of all persuasions and calibers to be deadly weapons(I think Federal and most State laws agree with me), and don't intend to test my luck with even the weaker or "slower acting" examples.
Interesting counter point to the other thread. There are evidently some bad dudes that are hopped up on drugs, mentally deranged, enraged to the point of being off their rocker. And others. Those types might be tougher to stop. But, given the probabilities of what might realistically be encountered, a 380 is a bunch more likely to keep a person whole than a kung fu howl and tusseling with an armed assailant. :eek:


New member
No rational man would. The reason I carry a gun is not for protection from rational, reasonable people though. Rational, reasonable people do not attack law-abiding citizens. While the vast majority of bad guys will probably find something else to do if a gun of any kind is presented, the real crazies may continue their attack. Some may be less dissuaded by a little pocket pistol. That is the reason I practice regularly with my LCP. If I have to use it, I better be able to hit my target. Of course that is true regardless of caliber...


New member
Laughing in the face of any firearm is a very poor idea. Someone who does this is either mentally unstable or fueled by some deranged misperception that ballistic gel tests and other such scientific data mean that a .380 won't incapacitate or kill them.


New member
Pretty sure I would want to get out from in front of my little bitty P32 in a hurry if it was pointed my way. I have no reason to think that it or a .380 wouldn't kill me just as dead as a .40 or .45 would.
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