Would You Carry At A Funeral?

Why not?


Concealed is concealed. I really don't care what people around me would think if they knew I am carrying, because they won't know, unless something like this happens. If it does, I especially don't care what they think.

Carrying a concealed weapon is becoming more socially acceptable, yet there are those who say that a church, funeral, (insert your favorite "holy" place here), etc., but neither social customs nor the law will stop somebody bent on doing violence. I really hope that one of the attendees got the shooter, but the first report is unclear....


New member
Evil people are everywhere. If it is legal to carry there then carry I do. Never look for trouble, get out of it's way when I see it coming, but I am really a lousy victim.

Violence is an ugly thing, but being a victim of violence is even uglier.


New member
I carry just about everywhere. CCW means "concealed" and no one needs to know but you. If you're comfortable with it, it's okay.


The question shouldn't have even been asked in the first place. I've carried at my own wedding. Both my children's weddings I packed as well and so did others. I've taken it to funerals. I'd like to have it on me at my own funeral, but would just hate to have it melted down. The only way anyone would know you were carrying would be if you told them, or if something bad should happen and you had to use it. In that case everyone would be kissing your butt, cause they'd be so happy you had it.
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New member
I have and I would again.

Just because there's caskets readily available don't mean I want to fill one just yet.


New member
Yes I would . Here is a story about a shooting outside a funeral in GA.

ATLANTA (AP) — Gunfire erupted in a church parking lot as a funeral wrapped up Thursday in an Atlanta suburb, leaving two people dead and another two wounded.

Full story


New member
there are those who say that a church, funeral, (insert your favorite "holy" place here), etc., but neither social customs nor the law will stop somebody bent on doing violence

There's your answer. Besides, if it's concealed, who would know unless you made a point of telling them?


New member
For me it would be about my concerns for safety, legality, and emotional stability....Being in an emotional state such as losing a close family member and it may not be a wise thing to carry.

Then again, I may not have a choice because if its my time, well, I guess its whatever the funeral director allows.


New member
I would if it were legal to do so. Funeral home - no problem. Church - not sure if it is legal in Michigan; it seems to me that there were restrictions with carrying in church. Maybe not illegal, but restricted. Don't remember and I don't go regularly so I'm not worried about it.


New member
It would have been a dishonor to my Grandfather if I were to have failed to carry a handgun to, and take my part of responsibility for the protection of my family, at his funeral.


Don P

New member
Absolutely would, as they say bad things happen in good places or where we least expect it to happen.


New member
I carried at my Father's funeral,,,

Halfway through the service I noticed in the cemetery brochure that weapons are prohibited on federal cemeteries.

I didn't see any signs when I entered the place,,,
I just went on about the business of laying my Pop to rest.



Uncle Buck

New member
Would I carry? Yes. Like others have said, if it is concealed, who would know?

Back in 2000, when I ran the Whiteman Air Force Base Honor Guard Team, I went to Topeka Kansas with a team to do a flag presentation for a retired AF member.

While in the cemetery, we noticed another funeral going on at the same time ours was, down the hill from us. When we fired the Three Shot Volley the people attending the funeral down the hill pulled guns and hid behind head stones. I heard one of the funeral directors says something to the effect of "Oh Lord, I forgot to tell them we were going to be here."

I guess guns at gang funerals are very common.


New member
I have done so and will again. I see nothing disrespectful about it, and no one but my wife and I will ever know, anyway.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I don't understand the notion of deciding to carry to this place or that event.

There is no measure of respect or disrespect to any one or anything.

The only consideration is legality or direct prohibition by the property owner, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't ask myself if I'm going to wear shoes to a funeral, or underwear to the store.

Get up, put on your daily attire and go.


New member
This is like the church carry question. If you belong to an organization that has a hierarchy, then boot the question up the line to the old men or women who make doctrinal decisions, then abide by what they say.

imho this is not a moral or ethical question. Would you carry in the mortuary or grave yard if there wasn't a funeral?

Another option is asking the family of the deceased. I would care a lot more about what they would like than any arbitrary religious quibbles.