Would you carry a .22 mag?

Would you carry a .22 mag?

  • Yes

    Votes: 105 71.9%
  • No

    Votes: 41 28.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Would any of you members carry a .22 mag for light duty or back-up? Like if you are going to the grocery store, dinner with at the in-laws house, church or anywhere else that you feel is low risk and deep concealment is a must. I like the S&W 351PD for this role. Its a 7 shot, 10.5 oz J-frame and would be a breeze to carry. I personally don't feel this gun would be any less useful than any 32 acp or 25acp pocket gun.

Remember if you vote that I am talking about BUG and light, low risk duty. Not primary self defense gun.


New member
No. I won't. People can carry what they want. Mouse guns have been argued here many times. I won't depend on a mouse gun caliber let alone a rimfire round to protect myself or family. I have learned to carry service caliber guns and dress around them.

moose fat

New member
I carried one of those $69.00 deringers for a while but it was unreliable. Used it for scarring ravens and cranes away from the buckets of fish food at a salmon hatchery and a remote rearing site, mostly.


New member
I don't think the J-frames are smaller than the Guardians, but this one would certainly be lighter. The unreliability of the Rimfire catridge could be overcome with the revolver. Though nearly 100% of my malfuctions are FTF's. And it would certainly be easier to shoot.


New member
If you're still going to carry a J Frame why not go a larger caliber? Same size gun, MUCH bigger punch.
I was thinking about the NAA Mini's until you mentioned the J Frame. If that is all you can conceal, by all means, carry it!

Your surroundings are only "low risk" until you need your gun, do you want a .22 then?

S&W makes a .357 J Frame that is only 12oz dry. That would be my pick, though I would probably carry 38SPL+P.


New member
Death2twinkys, I understand how you feel, but have you ever tried the "twinkies" (in shape and configuration only) by Mrs. Freshley's?

They are RED!

The cake portion, quite frankly, tastes like cake. Red-earth cake/Red velvet whatever you call it. It's so good, you almost wish there was no filling (three dot style on the base, injected much like Hostess does).

All empty calories, granted. But they might surprise you.


New member
Like if you are going to the grocery store, dinner with at the in-laws house, church or anywhere else that you feel is low risk and deep concealment is a must.

only in the above mentioned situation.


New member
I voted no because I feel more comfortable carrying a larger round. With that said, if a .22 mag was my only option, I would certainly carry it. Armed is armed.


New member
If there's a .22 on the table, and I've got nothing, then I'll pick up the .22. I will quickly look toward emptying the .22 into a single, accessible enemy, and collecting HIS weapon. ("Why would you want to go into battle with a .22?" "Because I won't have a .22 for very long!")

But, when it comes to voluntarily selecting a .22, my question is this: What is it that you can do with a .22 that you can't do with a 9mm? With a .45? Visit The Box of Truth, and you will see that .22 rounds are just as dangerous indoors as .45 or 9mm, and I'd just bet the bigger load is less survivable.

Concealability? When the .45 is too bulky for the wardrobe selection of the day, I carry a PA-63, chambered in 9x18. That's about as small as I can hold, maintaining my ability to properly grip the frame, and I won't be able to properly grip a smaller .22.

So, the answer is, no. I wouldn't voluntarily select a .22. There'd be no reason to do so. My 9x18 will do just fine.


New member
At my church (years ago) one of my fellow members was an EMT. Since he was also into guns he would describe the different shooting he was called to.

Seems one involved an ex-wife who use to be the punching bag for her "gremlin" husband. Because she had a restraining order and had moved into a trailer park trying to hide out from the abusive "gremlin", she was given a 22 Ruger Single Six loaded with the 22 mag. cylinder.

Seems Gremlin comes to her trailer, is kicking in the door, while she is talking to 911 screaming, she finally takes the gun and shoots through the hollow core door.

When the police arrived, they find the man still standing up between the screen door and the hollow core door. Seems the screen door had hooked up under his belt which kept him standing.

According to my buddy, the coroner described the six holes as being "golf ball" sized coming out the gremlin's back. Nice small entry wound, but large, freaking, holes in the back. He was dead after the first shot!

My personal experience has been trying it jack rabbit hunting. Discovered that it didn't leave a whole heck of a lot. So, out of a good quality gun, good barrel length, I feel this is one heck of an attitude adjustment tool!

I wouldn't bother using the 22 mag out of a small 1-2 inch barrel. However, when you go 4" or more it is one devestating round!


New member
Not only would I, I do and have for many many years. I go some places that I absolutely cannot carry my regular off-duty weapon concealed. But, my North American Arms mini-revolver is ALWAYS in my front pocket.

After more than a half dozen shoulder surgeries, I can't put up much of a fight with my dominant arm. I CAN shoot with it though.

I call the NAA my "fist extension". A .22 mag hits way harder than I can!
I voted no, but truth be told I did used to carry an NAA Mini .22mag when I had no other option. Now that I have my Seecamp I do not have a need to do so any longer.:)