Would you buy a used police gun.


New member
My department is buying new guns and they are being issued in September. I'm going to be issued a Glock 21SF. We have the option to buy our currently issued gun which is a Sig 226 9mm. The gun is approximately 12 years old and the blued finish is a little worn. It shoots great and has been my gun since I got hired. They want $348.00 for the gun. Is this a good price? Also would a gun smith be able to redo the finish? and does any one know how much that would cost.



Te Anau

New member
I currently own a S&W 4506 and used to own a Glock 21 that were both used former police guns when I got them.I paid a fair price and both were/are good (21) or great (4506) shooters.If the 226 is worth $348.00 to you then get it.


New member
I have bought a used police gun a G17 9mm. Some holster wear but and it appeared to be dropped a time or to. It had only been shot for qualifying from what I could tell no wear on moving parts or barrel. It was a good value also. If you like the gun you have been carrying I would buy it for off duty wear.

Get it you can have it refinished for around $175 for the entire guns about $80 for slides.

You would have a good solid German Sig for less than $500. A good deal IMHO.


New member
When I was hired, my academy class was issued BEAT UP S&W 5903's that had the older squared trigger guards. Not very many of us bought our weapons... Of course, the class AFTER us was issued NEW 5903TSW's. They all bought theirs.

Guess it all depends on your attachment to your gun. My 9mm never failed me, but they asked the same $300 for THAT gun as the NEW 5903TSW's, therefore I opted out. I did buy my 4003TSW though. I loved that gun. If your gun has your department name on it and it has served you loyally, then I would say do it. At least for sentimentality.


john in jax

New member
It shoots great and has been my gun since I got hired.

That whole shoots great and assuming you've been there a while, been my gun since I got hired this screams YES ! ! !

I mean you have been trusting your life to this gun for how many years and it seems to be functionally sound so heck yeah I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Uncle Malice

New member
I would say heck yes, that's a super cheap price. If you want the finish redone, might I suggest looking at Robar and their NP3 finish. I have my P239 done with that and it is absolutely great. Here's a pic:



New member
Would I buy a used 5-0 gun? Well, I'm going to place an order for a S&W64 DAO tomorrow, so yes.

The thing with police trade-ins is that you can count on them being a bit worn on the outside, but just about perfect mechanically. As you know, they are carried a lot but not shot all that much, so you will get many more years of fun out of your 226 for a pretty fair price. I've seen "very good plus" condition Sig P250s as police trade-ins for $356+S&H+Transfer (about $400 all said and done).

It's a good price for a gun you know very well. I'd get it just for sentimental value. It'll probably be a fantastic shooter for many more years too.


New member
Thanks for the replies. I guess I could always use another gun...Plus I was thinking it would be pretty cool to hand down to my son.


New member
Uncle Malice, I think our guns may have been separated at birth :D


This was carried by a LEO as his "Off Duty" gun. I purchased it from him for $425 last year and sent it off to Todd at Customized Creationz (who is also a forum member here) The gun was already in good shape but I needed a little more "bling" added to it :) Todd was also kind enough to finish the barrel, guide rod, and do a little extra work. I've been very happy with his work and the gun.


New member
For the price heck ya.
Sig was doing a complete overhaul for $100 and if you wanted it refinished that was an extra $100. Not a bad deal if they are still doing that.


New member
I was thinking if you could afford it buy some of the others and sell them here, but since you posted the price you might have trouble making the profit you could have made otherwise.

and I'd buy one if I could.


New member
Buy it

That's a great price for a Sig. I'm sorry to hear you are going from Sigs to Glocks, seams like a downgrade to me. We carry G22 and although it's a fine tool, it doesn't compare to a Sig, IMHO.


New member
Would I buy PD surplus? Absolutely, and I did - a P6/225 W. German police trade-in. :)

$348 for a used SIG P226? That's a steal if internals look good (crown, barrel, etc). The externals, as mentioned, can easily be refinished. I'd buy 10. :D Actually, even if you needed to replace the barrel, you're still looking at around $550 or so total for a used SIG - that seems to be in line with used SIG values.


New member
Normally no I would not buy a used of gun because I have seen how few of them actully take care of guns, Now seeing as it was issued to you I would say go for it because you know the gun better then anyone else. I say go for it