Would you buy a range gun at 40% discount?


New member
Depends upon what the gun is, what shape it's in, what the range it is used on is like, how well the range seems to care for their guns, how available the gun is from other outlets etc.

In short, I might, but it would require lots of information before I'd seriously consider it.


New member
It would be good to know how heavily the gun had been used and I'd want a warranty. Why would a range sell a gun that had a lot of service life left?


New member
40% off what? It would have to be something I can fully inspect, strip down and shoot. The 40% would have to be off the price that I could get the identical non range gun used for.

For example if I can get a Glock 19 used for $450 I would want the range gun for $270 or right around there.


New member
Maybe they're the best kept secrets in firearms but I would not be interested. I can't imagine ranges selling them until they're pretty much worn out. Probably only minimally maintained; i.e., clean when it won't shoot.

Shot a lot and carried a little --- just the opposite of police trade-ins.


New member
The guns are from my gun broker who have an indoor range. The good news is that they sold their used range guns about 1 year ago then started to modernize the indoor range about 6 months later which means that these guns have been used only about 6 months.

So far the range has been closed for about 5 months and it is still closed due to air quality issues.

It has Sigs, Kimbers, SA, Rugers, Beretta, Glocks, etc.

Here are some of their prices they are advertizing.

Glock 19 for 299, MP9 289, Kimber Ultra Carry 479, Beretta PX4 storm 287, Sig P220 487.

All come with 30 days guarantee or you can exchange it for another used one or new one. They credit the entire amount you pay toward the other gun.

By the way their inventory has SA Range Officer, Colts, H&K as well.


New member
Our range requires you to use their factory ammo, so you know no one was hotrodding it with handloads. And they don't allow rapid fire, so chances are it wasn't mag-dumped. But that's just my experience at my local range.

As long as you can inspect the firearm and take it for a test drive, why not? That Kimber Ultra Carry for $479 is looking pretty good... :)


New member
Sounds like something I woul be interested in, if I were you. Those prices are very attractive, and with a good inspection, plus a quick firing trial, I would be pretty happy with one of each.


New member
Charlie 98,

Same with this range. And they always have someone there making sure all safeties rules are enforced.

I will go to check it out and see if I can find something nice. As I said before, is not necessary to fire them because you can exchange it up to 30 days later for a full refund towards another pistol.

I have done it before and they are very easy to deal with. I bough a used Kahr PM9 and wasn't happy, brought it back and got a Sig P239.


New member
One of my main considerations would be how well the gun was maintained. Our local range virtually NEVER cleans their range guns. The only time they really get any attention at all is to be taken out of and put back into the case or when they no longer function due to neglect. They have stainless revolvers in the rental case that the cylinders are virtually completely black and have been that way for the 4 years I've been going there. So in that case, I would not consider purchasing any of their range guns for almost any price.

Coach Z

New member
I'm wishing I was home, I got the email about that sale. I'd buy about a half a dozen guns Thursday morning if I was! I'd jump on it, all of the guns have a 30 day warranty from the store on top of whatever factory warranty is available.


New member
"One of my main considerations would be how well the gun was maintained. Our local range virtually NEVER cleans their range guns. The only time they really get any attention at all is to be taken out of and put back into the case or when they no longer function due to neglect. They have stainless revolvers in the rental case that the cylinders are virtually completely black and have been that way for the 4 years I've been going there. So in that case, I would not consider purchasing any of their range guns for almost any price."
quote: Timbow

If you stand back a ways and think about the situation a bit it looks entirely different.

It tells you which firearms are able to withstand continued use without constant cleaning.
It shows there are particular models that are tough as nails.
It should give an indication of which manufacturer has the most extensive line of sturdy firearms.

Three off the top of my head.

May also indicate that over cleaning (compulsive level) really doesn't mean as much as some think.

Perhaps a second look, or closer examination, may be in order.
In answer to the original question, with the return policy as stated, I would buy a firearm there if I needed one.

Best, Kur


New member
Definitely all valid points, however I'd use that information to decide which non-abused version I'd like to purchase :D It doesn't sound like this is the case for the OP though and sounds like he's got the potential for some great deals!


New member
40% off MSRP or 40% off a used gun price, that is the question.

They selling Glock 19's on the shelf $500, and trying to sell you that used gun for $300 or something, no thanks.

40% off of say $400 used Glock yes!

I was at a gun range once, they had a M9 for sale about $500 and it was pretty well used. NO WAY! They had them new for $600


New member
My biggest concern would be whether the range replaces the recoil springs at the intervals suggested by the manufacturers. I'll bet they don't. With the amount of rounds fired through the rentals each week, who knows how brittle the slides are and how battered they get if the springs are so worn that they no longer have the proper compression capabilities?

40% off sounds good, but a cracked slide is expensive to replace and would eat away at any money saved. I'd pay a little more for a police trade-in.

Coach Z

New member
I know this store well. All of the guns for rental use were replaced not long ago. Their prices are generally quite good, the ad said that the 40 off was off of retail.


I don't know what 40% off means - guns have values like cars (and most other things) based on their condition.

If a used BHP went for $550 whereas a new one went for $700, I would take a BHP at 40% off the $550 price.

Since these are rentals - I'd rent it before making a bid on it. Unless you have a cracked frame or slide, you can refurbish a BHP, get NP3+, put in some new parts and its good as new, maybe better than new.

I wouldn't buy an old crappy S&W 5906 or something like that, but there are some pistols that I definately would take on as a project if it was 40% off what would be the used price.

I don't think I'd take any rental for 40% the MSRP new price.

Most ranges have the low man on the totem pole cleaning the pistols - and then only enough to keep them functional.

When I called to inquire about a price on a G34, LGD said he had just accepted one as a trade in but he would have to clean it. When I purchased it, it was soppping wet dripping with oil. When I took the slide apart and took out the extractor, the channel was filled with black sludge. I was getting little flecks of copper and metal shavings and all sorts of crud. If that's the best you can do when someone is coming to look at the gun and you're trying to sell it - ugh! His rental guns must be really horrible.
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