Would you be a "Hit Man"?

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Eric Larsen

New member
I heard a gentleman talking with friends in a cafe the other day and overheard part of their conversation. The main guy that was talking was asking the question
"If you knew the people who you would "hit" were complete scum of the earth, crimes against kids, rapists, etc...and got paid well for taking them out...would you do it?"
He was quite taken by the idea and sounded like he was ready to start. His friends were of different and varying opinion. Most told him "killing is killing" and "murder is murder". One of his buddies agreed with him saying "it would be in a defensive approach".....helping out humanity.
I thought at the very least the conversation was entertaining.
Shoot well
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New member
Nope. Not me.

But this brings to mind an episode of Twilight Zone. A strange man appeared at this woman's home and she was given a wooden box with a button on top. They guy told her that if she pressed the button, "someone she didn't even know would die" and she would then recieve $1 million.

The box obsessed her for days. She took the box apart and there was nothing inside. Just a wooden box with a button. She finally pressed the button. When she did, the doorbell rang and the strange guy was back.

He gave her $1 million in cash and asked for the box back. She asked what he was going to do with it and he informed her that it would be given to "someone SHE did not even know."


New member
I would do it, provided it were state sanctioned. Otherwise, I'd be liable to prosecution, or a potential target myself.
I know to many people who I'm close to who have been hit by those type of crimes.

Christopher II

New member
That is at least a two-beer ethical debate...

One could make an arguement that if a person has committed large-scale crimes against society at large, then any interested member of society could ethically kill them.

On the other hand, the idea of "Don't initate force against others," is the philosophical foundation upon which sucessful societies are built, and that rule would seem to restrict killing to actual self-defense.

I'm not gonna commit either way, at least until those two beers have been consumed... ;)

- Chris

Eric Larsen

New member
Think of this...sactioned or not. If you are taking out "targets of substance" you will instantly be on someone elses "hit list".
Prosecution would be the least of my worries.
Shoot well
I remember that episode. I THINK that the woman was Mare Winningham.

Stephen King, in his newest collection of short stories, has an article with a similar theme.

I'm simply not going to commit to an answer, because I'll probably tick a lot of people off. :)
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