Would someone like to MAKE a gun for me?


New member
Probably have to be adept with CAD/CAM machines and have FFL. I would like to have a "trapdoor" .38 spl. octagon barrel, external hammer, full stocked, single shot, dueling type pistol with nice sights.

I would like to finish the stock myself. I think that would be one "bidgin" neat gun.

Or any other idea such as maybe altering the frame of an existing Ruger Hawkeye or some such that could also fit the profile.



New member
One of my first thoughts, but I don't want a "break action." Want a solid single shot impractical, neato, slick, one-shot, modest velocity dueller.

Closest I can find is a Wichita action modified to the stock. Yeah, it's a left bolt, but think it could still be made to look neat.


Moderator Emeritus
I believe that Uberti offers a Remington Rolling Block pistol replica in .357 that might be just what you're looking for. You'd need to re-barrel it, of course, if the octagon thing is important to you.

IIRC, MSRP was in the high threes, which should mean a fairly reasonable street price.


Sure, I'll do it. Is wood a suitable material for the whole thing? My CAD/CAM consists of a legal pad and a dremel. :) JK, sounds interesting.


New member
Wood's fine. If it's resistant to cork erosion.

I like the legal pad. At least you can't get sued.



New member
FF, what size rubber band were you going to use to hurtle the 38spl ammo?

I was thinking maybe surgical rubber, like the ones used in slingshots... :D


New member
a machinist proficient with CNC milling is probably a better term for who you wanted to hire, there should be a few in the yellow pages. CAD/CAM referrs to "computer aided design/modelling" its a designer who only makes blueprints or conceptual 3-d models. if you hire a machinist he might know a bit about design or have one of those guys on staff. its expensive, but if you do go this route you will have a unique prototype. patent it and sell the design to a company to make your money back on it :cool: