would someone convince me to buy a CZ-97B?


New member
I'm really a revolver kind of guy, but I've been looking at the hefty, high-capacity CZ-97B, possibly for carry. I'm used to lugging about a good bit of steel on my hip and given my frame and manner of dress I'm capable of concealing a good deal. I just can't decide. So, what do you think? Should I get this weapon or should I stick with my Security Six?


CZ-97 is a great gun, but for carry ? Hell, forget that sissy gun, I think what you need is a Desert Eagle in .50AE. :) Since your a revolver guy, why not upgrade to a L frame .44 magnum ?

[This message has been edited by MTAA (edited October 20, 2000).]


New member
An IWB with a lot of cant should conceal the CZ quite well. It is only 2 oz. heavier than a steel government model. No reason not to buy it, if you end up not liking it for carry, you can still carry your revolver. Everyone needs a second gun in case their first gun goes to the shop for repairs.


New member
Practical reasons - it's reliable, accurate and robust. What more do you need?

Political reasons - It's the official policy of the US to encourage trade with the former Commie bloc nations. One of the few things they make that we want is firearms. So the Clintonistas can't block their importation (right now, at least).

So every time someone buys a CZ, or a Baikal, or a Makarov, Hillary and Bill must grind their teeth.

Isn't that a nice thought?

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC


New member
I considered a 44 magnum revolver, but for some reason I'm beginning to think that I might like the 10 capacity with the CZ. With my Security Six and my 642 now I've got 11, but that's a relatively slow New York reload. Then again, when will I need to shoot 10 rounds? When I least expect it, perhaps. I don't know. I'm still thinking...


New member
If you decide the CZ-97 is a it too bulky for CCW you might look into the CZ-75B. The .40 version is "almost" a .45 but with a thinner slide and with Hogue wood grips the the grip is really thin too. I never thought I`d carry my 75 but I find it tagging along with me quite a bit lately. Marcus


Is money a concern ? If not, then check out the Wilson KZ45, 10 rounds of .45 in a government frame thats actually thinner than a single stack. I think it also weighs less than a govt model.

You should also consider what ParaOrdnance has to offer, like a P10 or a P12.