Worst case scenario: Kalifornia becomes an island and...


New member
Okay, so has anybody seen the movie Escape from L.A./Demolition Man?

Geologically speaking, I believe the Kalifornia fault lines are located in areas where in 50,000 some odd years it will separate from the mainland and become an island. That's like after a gazillion earthquakes and the Plate tectonics moving.

Now being its own separate land, we elect a leader thus becaming a Dictatorship state, forming new laws. This leader wanting peace and harmony for the good of the people, bans all weapons (guns, knives, etc.), shuts down all fast food franchises, religion is alienated, segregation arises, smoking is banned, people must abide and behave in a civil manner or be severely chastised.

Science fiction or a reality of the future?


New member
religion is alienated
Not all of it. Crystal healing, past lives, and Co$ would be the state-sanctioned religions.

In PRNJ, the state-sanctioned religion would be Bleating Mallism. :D

- pdmoderator


New member
Actually, the San Andreas is a slip fault. In 10000 years, L.A. will be where San Francsico is now.

Still, Kalifornia as an island doesn't sound too bad.


New member
Forget sawing. Have every gun owner in CA line up on the east side of the fault line and begin jumping up and down. Hopefully that can trigger something :D


New member

"we elect a leader thus becaming a Dictatorship state, forming new laws. This leader wanting peace and harmony for the good of the people, bans all weapons (guns, knives, etc.), shuts down all fast food franchises, religion is alienated, segregation arises, smoking is banned, people must abide and behave in a civil manner or be severely chastised.

Science fiction or a reality of the future?"

Neither - reality today.

pre-B '75

New member
Worts Case Scenario???????

Hell, it sounds like my fantasy (except for that commie dictatorship - no guns stuff).

Of course, I will be on the other side of the fault, waving good-bye. :D


New member
Looks like everything in your worst case scenario has already happened except for the island part. :rolleyes:

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New member
As long as Jim March is east of the line when the breakaway happens..................:D

Would hate to not have Jim around to help us all fight the RKBA fight.


New member
This thread reminds me of a debate in England when the Northern Ireland troubles flared up again in the 1970's. A correspondent wrote to one of the leading newspapers (which published the letter) saying that in his opinion, the solution to the Northern Irish problem was to saw off Ulster, tow it a thousand miles into the Atlantic, and sink it. There was much furious reply and debate from other readers. The response judged most acceptable was that to do these things would be inhumane, un-British, and unworthy of the Empire - it would suffice to simply tow the place a thousand miles into the Atlantic!


New member
Perhaps you could post the proper locations to plant explosive charges to hasten the separation of the State from the mainland. Emperor Gray Davis! :barf:


New member
Forget sawing. Have every gun owner in CA line up on the east side of the fault line and begin jumping up and down. Hopefully that can trigger something

Damn, that's a good one. Maybe, my house will really jump up in value because it will become beachfront property.


New member
in 50,000 some odd years it will separate from the mainland and become an island

I honestly don't care since me and mine will be long gone from this earth.

If CA were to split from the USA in some catastrophe, I'd still most likely be dead since we live in the Bay Area.

By the time local Californians will have crawled out from the rubble and try to organize, I think that the Federal Govt. will have sent in troops.

I for one wouldn't vote for a CA Dictator, -being estranged from the USA will ruin my credit rating. ;)