Worshipping the wrong heros?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

The motivation for this graphic came from that atrocious movie "Jacob the Liar" which my ex-GF rented years ago. That film grossed me out greatly: its main character, the "good guy" protagonist, spends his time convincing the Jews in a ghetto that they are about to be saved and thus need not lift a hand to help themselves. Everyone ends up getting killed off, no surprise there. The movie makers tried to make that act of deception look like a good deed.

Anne Frank keeps coming up whenever the Holocaust is discussed. Tragic, yes. But why talk of her and of people like my Belosussian ancestors (mostly exterminated) and never mention the guerillas who, with guns and grenades, kept many alive in the forests of Europe? I wonder if the mental image of a Jew with a trophy submachine gun bothers some people more than they would admit...


New member
I think one of the most touching parts of the book "Unintended Consequences" is the part when Bowman's uncle thought, if they only had a single Henry Bowman at the time he was in jail, what kind of resistance and lives they could have saved...

That's a seriously big rifle on her... I wouldn't mess with her..


New member
My sociology lecturer, who is VERY radical, complained about the same thing.

He thought Schindler's List was a waste of time and instead of making a movie about a nicey-nicey Nazi, a movie should have been made about the Jewish resistance.


New member
I wonder if the mental image of a Jew with a trophy submachine gun bothers some people more than they would admit...

It probably bothers them about as much as the image of a woman with a gun defending herself. *gasp*

How DARE she stand up to the rapist!!!


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I might stylize the picture but I think it works for this shot. I tried simulating orthochromatic B&W and is looked predictably yucky. This kid is only 9 and I thought 12-13 based on her mental age.

Ceol Mhor

New member
Great poster Oleg - you could do quite a few on this topic. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising would make an excellent theme, as would any of the death camp revolts (see my sig line, for example).

One man worth looking up to would be Mordechai Anielewicz, the man who inspired and lead the Jewish Fighting Organization in the Warsaw Ghetto revolt. He died in combat in the ghetto...


New member
Oleg Volk -- Great post and great pic as always. I have an idea for a similar message -- although it may be difficult:

Anne Frank juxtaposed w/ a picture of a little girl who is a descendent of one of those that fought back. She would not be around otherwise.


Staff Emeritus
#1: I have six brothers and sisters.
#2: I'm an only child. It must have been hard getting only 1/7 of your parents' love.
#1: 1/7? My parents didn't DIVIDE their love by seven, they MULTIPLIED it by seven!

The problem is not that we remember those who died without fighting. The problem is that we do not properly recognize those who fought back. The fight for Right lays claim to esteem unearned by mere victims.
- - -

Remember, the Holocaust began with a simple census of all citizens. "The Germans always had the lists of Jewish names. … [because of] IBM Germany's census operations and similar people-counting and registration technologies. … Nazi Germany operated its socialist economic program using specially-tailored IBM punch cards and data sorting machines to register people and assets, to allocate food, to run the trains and document their doomed human cargo, and even to manage the slave labor in the concentration camps." ("Enemy at the Gate" column by Richard W. Stevens, "Can You Prove You Deserve Liberty?" in the March, 2002 issue of S.W.A.T. magazine, page 12.)

Many died in the Holocaust like sheep to a slaughter. They must be remembered. From them we must learn that, "Power is not something you're given. It's something you take!"

We must decide how our children and children's children will remember us. We are now numbered at birth by our government. Our Rights are taken from us and a few are sold back to us at the cost of registration and excessive taxation. Are we sheep who continue to let our government destroy the Constitution and usurp totalitarian power? Or will we become heroes who reclaim our Natural Rights by voting the tyrants out of power?

How will WE be remembered?

Do you even care?


New member
!!!Well, done Oleg!!!

Of course, when I saw that girl, I remembered a quote from "True Grit": "I hope you got a fence post to prop that thing on..."


New member
A couple years ago there was a 30 minute gun debate on TV. I didn't recognize any famous folk but I missed the start so I didn't see the introductions or who sponsored it. Two folk on each side of the issue and no one allowed to interrupt the other side during their time. No audience so no cheers, clapping etc. One of the most memorable quotes went something like this:

"I'd like to see the Ann Frank diary read like this: 'The Gestapo found our hiding place yesterday. Father met them on the stairway with his Luger. After all the noise we had to leave. Switzerland is very nice. I'm looking forward to starting my new school.' "

I wish I had more info about the program.