Worried: My CZ97's slide locked in the back position!


New member
... how sad ... that's all I can say ... I'm really confused and don't have an explanation ... especially, because last weekend I shot 50 rounds with it - no problems whatsoever ...

... today, first shot the slide just staid in the back position and only after fiddling around with the barrel and the slide for about half an hour (which only moved by about a millimetre) I managed to get the slide back forward ... what I realised, when I took the slide off, that the barrel was hardly movable in the slide ... I gave it some oil and after that the slide would move, but only if letting it free fall up and down - holding the slide vertically and turning it by 180 degrees ... whenever I used my hands to move it back and forth, it would jam and only when doing it very carefully (sorta concentrating not to touch the sidewall of the slide) it would move ...

... once I had it free again, I fired another shot ... same thing ... now I cant't even get it back anymore ... the thing sits there hard and fast ... will take it to the smith tomorrow ...

... anybody any idea, what that could be? ... can it be the kinda rough milling inside the slide? ... and why would it work for 50 rounds (same ammo) a week before and then lock up twice at the only two shots fired? ... the gun was in the shop for the whole week - could somebody have tempered with it? ...

... I still love it to bits - if only for the 50 rounds I fired last weekend ... so accurate and comfy and reliable ... and now this!!! ... feels like a child all of a sudden becoming sick without knowing the cause ...

... help please ...

cheers and beers


New member
Think I found it ...

... somebody HAS tempered with it !!! :mad: ...

... wrapped a screwdriver in cloth and inserted it into the barrel ... by knocking it steadily and softly with the palm of my hand, the slide came forward ... when reaching the position, where the two marks are aligned, I pulled the slide stop and managed to take the slide off ... the 97, different to the 75 has a bushing guiding the barrel, which is screwed into the slide by means of a fine thread ... just below that, there's another bushing housing the recoil spring - this one's only pushed into and seated without a thread ... now, the barrel bushing has a little notch where the recoil spring housing slides in ... due to the proximity of the two bushings there is only this one position for the barrel bushing to be in and it will not sit tight but be just a quarter of a turn before being actually tight ... this is important, for the barrel to have its neccessary play and freedom of lateral movement ...

... well, somebody has tightened the barrel bushing and inserted the recoil spring housing without caring about the notch ... obviously, with the first shot fired the recoil spring housing tried to make its way forward and jammed the barrel bushing, which again jammed the barrel ...

... the rim of the barrel bushing is obviously f***ed ... it can be replaced, though - thus not that big a deal ... what I'm worried about now, whether there was any lasting damage done to the slide, barrel, recoil housing etc. .... whaddaya think??? ...

... highly recommended for 97 owners ... check this, after you had the gun in the shop and/or with a smith and/or after stripping it yourself and before you shoot ... not implying anything, but you never know ... definitely a lesson for myself learned the hard way ...

... what a stuffed up shooting day ...

LetsFetz ... mayday mayday - this is not my day

Eric Larsen

New member
Good call Letz...Im sure others will see your thread and reply to whether this is common or just a rare occurance. Good to know.
Check out the 97 part in the cz forum...they may have other info regarding this also....Enjoy your shooter.
Shoot well


New member
Blackhawk: ... it shouldn't really ... it's not the gun's fault ... if at all, then the stupid dumbf*** who tempered with it should be blamed ... and then secondly myself probably ... should have done a "preflight" before shooting ... on the other hand, although you know about it you might not realise it, as it is not something that jumps your (visual) attention immediately ... one thing's for sure - not gonna happen to me again !!!

... might be worth a suggestion to CZ, to include a "please note" in the manual ... haven't found anything about it in there ...

MalH: yes, the gun was in the shop ... until I get the license issued for the gun, I take it out only on weekends by means of a temporary license (and only to the shooting club) ...

Eric: ... I'll drop a link in the CZ-Forum ...

... the 97 still is a wonderful gun and I wouldn't get rid of it for anything ... again, could it have suffered any lasting damage - and - if yes, how can I analyze/test/determine that? ...

... watch me letting go of my orifice muscle and blow some fuses in that gun shop tomorrow morning ... gheewhiz, am I pissed or what?


New member

... new barrel bushing has arrived ... now, that one actually has the notch in the right place, just when you fasten it sorta 'hand-tight' ... I'm not so sure anymore, whether it was not partially the guns fault - apart from the fact that someone HAS assembled it incorrectly ...

... could you 97 owners maybe check on your guns, whether that barrel bushing is in the correct position with the recoil spring housing - when being tight or when being actually still kinda loose ... feedback would be much appreciated ...

... and what do you think would be the correct condition? ...

CZ Gunner

New member
Call Mike at CZ-USA if you have any more problems. He's the best!

Love my CZ-97B ... one of the best .45's I own!


Peter M. Eick

New member
My 97b is slightly finger tight to get it aligned. It requires little force. If I force it a bit, it will go over to about 2 o'clock position. Usually I just spin mine on and off, finger tight.