Worn sights

Harry Callahan

New member
Was just wondering what all of you do when the dots start wearing off the sights on your guns. I'm too cheap to buy new sights, not to mention they probably don't need them anyway. Just a couple of dabs of enamel paint? TIA.


New member
Go to the hardware store and get one of those "metal marking pens" in white. The paint is really hard and about as indelible as you'll find. Use a q-tip and clan the dot recesses on the sight with solvent.

Shake the pen up like a can of spray paint, and dab the felt tip on a piece of plastic until the paint comes out- does it look thick? If not keep shaking.

Using a toothpick, dip into the blob of paint and drop the blob into the dot recesses of the sight- make usre you put in enough that it fills the recess, but no so much it goes outside the borders.

Let it cure for 24 hours, as this type of paint seems to dry slowly.

You might also give the all-black sights a try- I found them to work quite a bit better than three-dot sights.

Harry Callahan

New member
Thanks, Slopemeno! I'll give it a try. I was even thinking about "dressing up" some autos by filling in the caliber identification on the barrel with paint. Ever tried anything like that or is that a bad idea?


New member
If it is a blue gun, it would look better if you filled in markings with gold paint. But any kind of paint will wear away as you clean the gun, over time. If the stampings are pretty deep it lasts longer. I use paint sticks that are sort of like grease pencils in practice but dry like paint. Label engravers use them to fill in engraving and they come in gold silver and all colors. You should degrease any area you are marking with alcohol and q tips or something.


New member
Appliance touch up paint at Wal-Mart. White, hard and cheap and comes with it's own brush .....

Be Safe !!!