World News w/ Charles Gibson bias on VTech Shooting


New member
Just watched it, and the issue of gun laws came up. I'm misquoting, probably, but the gist of things said,

Cleybolt and Harris (the columbine shooters) bought their guns at a gunshow... though a loophole... republicans refused to close the loophole.

I'm serious.

Then disbelief at the reaction that Susanna Hupp had after a shooting in Texas. "For some reason, she wanted more gun availability." (Susanna Hupp is a texas state legislator that helped get CCW passed in Texas after her parents were shot, and her gun was kept in her truck instead of on herself - but the reporter mentioned none of that.)

"After so many of these mass shootings, Americans still cannot understand the need for stricter gun control laws."

Charles Gibson "It may take some time before legislators can react."

Then Charles Gibson mention the activity on the abcnews website, but did not bring up the topic of the gun poll.


New member
One of the comments on the ABC site stated that the guy was probably a law abiding citizen before the shooting and if that was the case it was us gun nuts who armed him. But from what I recall the guy was an escaped convict meaning he was already a felon and not a guy who just snapped.


New member
1-31-06 The Roanoke Times

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.


Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."


New member
How different things may have been if the law had been enacted to allow students to carry a firearm for their protection; and note what university stood steadfastly against the bill.

Note the last paragraph in the story and how the "policy" protected the students and kept visitors with a firearm from coming on campus. I'm sure that if but a single student had had the wherewithal to stand up and state "But we have a policy!" the bloodshed would have immediately ceased.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

I wonder how happy ol' Larry is now; and how safe the "parents, students, faculty, and visitors" feel.


New member
It's amazing what different veiwpoints there are. Here we say "If one had been armed there would have been a chance to stop the guy(s)" [not completely certain there was more than one guy involved]

Other anti-gunners say "If we give them the ability to have firearms they will start shooting eachother and it will be a blood blath!"

Wow. I can't believe people believe that bull. :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
Not now for all this: 33 are dead, their families.......who can imagine, thousands in horror who were there.

Silence and respect for the victims, silence, kindness........

Let the rest start some other time, it's inappropriate to begin blaming, defending, vews, issues. None of that for them.....they have no issues anymore..... tonight, or forever...

Yes. Lets sit idly by while the anti's rallys the troops.

No thanks. This IS the time because they will MAKE it the time. If this discussion offends then there are many other topics available. However please don't obstruct those of us who value our rights and want to prevent the same defenseless fate from befalling those we care.


New member
Not only did the legislative committee kill HB 1572 - a bill that would have allowed CCW on campus by students and faculty alike -- but the Virginia Tech spokesman was quoted as saying that students would now feel safe on campus. :eek: :rolleyes:

I guess the concept of feeling safe is more important that actually being safe.

Yes, they have laws and "rules" prohibiting carrying guns on campus.

Telling a mass murderer that his gun is illegal is like telling a terrorist that his truck bomb is parked in a handicapped parking space.

Best comment I heard all day.
Local Virginia legislator, DeVolites, was on the radio this morning. Still not known exactly what the shooter used, yet she's already jumping to conclusions that they were assault weapons with huge magazines and is calling for more gun control.


New member
Let the rest start some other time, it's inappropriate to begin blaming, defending, vews, issues. None of that for them.....they have no issues anymore..... tonight, or forever...

The rest has already started, from the other side. The question now is do we remain silent and lose, or do we stand up to those who are showing true disrespect to the fallen by using their blood to advance their political causes from winning?


New member
I think it is safe to say that the pro-gun lobby would be largely silent were it not for people like D. Feinstein who shout their agenda's from the rooftops before the bodies are even cold

The only time there is any discussion of "what to do" is right after something like this happens...months later it is all but forgotten

Decisions will be made...right or wrong...directly in the aftermath

Should we allow the wrong decisions to be made?

Will that honor the dead more than taking positive steps?

When should we speak up?


New member
The weapons of gun conrol are fear and misinformation. Our job is to correct that misinformation with the truth so the next time somebody hears an untruth they know to ask questions.


New member
I just watched a debate on MSNBC today. It was between the pro-gun woman from Texas who is a CCW holder and her parents were killed in a cafeteria shooting a while back, and a representative of the Brady Bunch. This guy was spitting out lies like it was the thing to do. He actually stated that it is so easy for people to get CCW permits in most states, that many states actually issue them to convicted felons! Can you believe the blatant lies that the left will spit to try and scare people into tighter gun laws. We all know that as a convicted felon you cannot even buy a handgun, let alone be issued a CCW permit. We have got to start calling these people on their lies and rhetoric. Most uf us (myself included) just don't know the proper channels for that discussion.


New member
I think as soon as the Democrat race begins to shake down the liberal portion of the media will begin to get the idea that the gun issue is splitting the Democrat party.

I occasionally lurk on DU, usually on the gun topics. I have been following several threads over there. The tone of the posters over there have so improved over the last couple of years for the better it is really unbelievable. I have seen a fairly dramatic swing in the political proportions here on TFL also. Both are good for the gun issues IMO.

I was a very frequent poster on TFL for quite a while. The tide went from almost always conservative views expressed by members here to almost even in terms of Liberal vs. Conservative posters. I became frustrated because I don't agree with Liberals for the most part. I think I was looking at this backward. The reason I was here was because I was passionate about 2nd rights. The fact that I can so vehemently disagree at times with the more liberal politics espoused, yet we can basically agree on the 2nd issue is nothing but good for the cause. I think the Democrats are done with the gun issue as a plank in their platform to the extent they can get away with it without the Brady money. I am beginning to think that HR 1022 will be completely watered down or voted down. Southern Democrats are screaming.

I hope this movement removes most gun politics nationally and lets us get on with the business of relaxing some of the more uptight areas on the state level. This can only be accomplished by maintaining a focus and working together to move our respective parties in favor of our rights. [/soap box][/rant]


New member
gotta act now

The antis are like a big crowd of enraged zombies. Dangerous in a pack and when all riled up, but not too bright and with no ability to act in unison.

A few choice defenses on our part can all but neutralize them. What this means is we have to get into "action mode" to nip them in the bud. It may involve posting intelligent comments on news web sites, renewing (or starting) a membership with the NRA, writing a letter to our senators, buying a new gun to support the industry, whatever.

Things will blow over if we put up a united front. It's only if we hunker down and do nothing that the zombies will start to overrun things. So we have to act together and through our voices put a wall around the zombies until they simmer down again.


New member

A review (by the Brady bunch, of course) indicated that some felons had crept through the CCW process in Florida. But the percentages were well below 0.05% -- a pretty amazing accuracy rate for a government program actually.

You figure that any government program will have some kind of error rate and that would typically be larger than what a private business would tolerate (especially one feeding off of public funds). Some of the errors involved felons who relocated from other states and some who were on probation from in other states.

Still, the Brady bunch's idea of "easy to get" means that you don't have to spend $3,000 on attorney fees and show up in a court to explain some "good reason" to own a gun. In fact, Pete Sheilds who founded Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI) said that was the goal -- ownership only upon court approval. :rolleyes: :mad: