Workbench Computer Question

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hollow point

New member
I have recently acquired a computer that I have deemed acceptable to become my new "shop" computer. My current shop computer is a Toshiba 25 Mhz laptop with 2 Megs of RAM, a 80 Meg HD and a monochrome display. I hate to get rid of "Ole Pokey", because she _has_ been good to me, but I figured it was about time to go on and get into this whole Windows thing. My new shop computer is a Dell P90 with 96 Megs or RAM and a 1 Gig HD. That plus all the other stuff (cables, keyboards, mouse, etc.) plus a 14" monitor for $25. I thought it was a rather nifty deal, at least for a new shop computer.

Having had only an 80 Meg HD, I was sorely limited in what I could do with my old computer, (do you know how long it takes to transfer files on CD to a dozen disks? My God how spoiled we have become!) and now I am interested in seeing how others have their "shop" computer set up. What software are you running and what are you doing with it? I am hoping to generate some ideas here to see where I can go with this new project.



New member
Hmmm...I wonder if your old laptop is sufficient to serve as the "brain" of Oehler's "Personal Ballistics Laboratory?"

Your "new" $25 Dell P90 is sufficient to run most programs a homeowner would need - spreadsheet, word processor, external ballistics, web access to, etc. It's only when you start upgrading to the latest OS that you might have a problem. (Unless your kid wants the latest computer games.) You might try a look at to see if a cheap upgrade is available.
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