words, used in context ....


Member In Memoriam
Heard on a Paul Harvey show a few back.

A sign, prominently displayed in the front window of a local business:

"We would rather do business with 1,000 Arab terrorists than one Jew," had apparently raised some ire amongst some who have heard of it.

The business? Goldberg's Funeral Home. ;)
That may have came out of the Colditz Story. A search under my name may bring it up.

Anyway, the Germans lined up the Allied prisoners at Colditz and asked for volunteers who would work for the German war effort. No one moved. Then, one Frenchman stepped forward and volunteered. There were audible gasps and signs of disgust among the prisoners. The Germans were elated that someone had actually volunteered since Colditz was known to have escape risk prisoners who were fiercely loyal to the Allies. The Frenchman then added that he would rather serve 1,000 Germans than one Allied soldier. More gasps and disbelief among the prisoners. The Germans are beaming by now. They asked the Frenchman his profession and he replies, "Undertaker!"