Word of Warning!


New member
If you are in your favorite shop or just one you frequent irregularly, and there is a great gun at a great price, DON'T HESITATE! BUY THE GUN NOW!
I know of that which I speak.

Tuesday of this week I stopped in my local shop and saw a pre-lock S&W 686 4" in excellent condition for $400. I probably could have gotten it for $400 out the door. I left, thought about it and returned the next day.

You can guess the rest.:mad:


New member
Yep, at the last gun show I went over to the atm and when I returned the gun I wanted was gone. I was only gone 5 minutes, you'd think I could have at least told the guy ''Nice gun''.


New member
Don't wait much longer to buy a new S&W, they are going up another 7% next week sometime. Glad I bought mine yesterday! Along the same lines, I bought a buckmark a month or so ago and the price has increased by $40 since then. Don't wait or you'll be sick!:barf:


New member
Good advice.

When I was at the gun show a few weeks ago, I found a GP100 I really liked. I thought I'd look around some more while I thought about it. On my return trip to that booth, my buddy pointed out that someone else was checking out "my gun". I was sweating bullets as I waited for them to take it or not. They stepped away and I moved in for the kill. "May I see that 3" '100 again please?" I didn't let go of it until I had to start signing papers. :D


New member
I once fondled a 4" S&W M29-2 for 45 minutes until my dad could get there to buy it just to keep that from happening to him. Looking back on it I should've bought it myself before he got there:D


New member
Most show sellers will set a gun under the table for a reasonable amount of time while you get some cash or something. Give em at least a 20$ deposit, and they should be alright, if you disappear they got the gun and the money. Perhaps store dealers do the same or have an official layaway program. No reason to lose a deal going to the ATM unless you have no money at all. But don't cry, there are alot of guns out there in the world. Used guns will always have to appear as owners drop over, or maybe big gas prices and high variable mortgages can help you find more used ones! Or maybe some whiners, "I just can't afford ammo for it anymore!"


New member
Great buy

I was in my local gunshop when they put out a S&W model 36 blue 2" sb on the shelf that looked like it was covered in rust. I looked at it closely, and it didn't appear to be rust to me. I asked the clerk how much, and he said that because it was in such bad shape, I could have it for $175. I took it home, and put some Kroil on it, and what appeared to be rust, started to melt. I took the grips off, removed the side plate and cylinder and gave it a bath.
When I finished, reassembled it, and it looked like a new gun. I've never said anything to the clerk hoping that I will get another bargain in the future.
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New member
that has happened to me with a few, 2 smith model 29-2s like new for $600 each, smith 629-? ss 6 1/2" for $629, colt anaconda .44 6 inch $815, smith model 27-2 3 1/2" $350 and those are just the onles i went back for with the $ in my hand. oh well someday the prelock n frame will come but for the it's my "unicorn". it does sting when it happens though.

Shadi Khalil

New member
That's everytime I leave the gun store for me. I think my shop has by far the best used/consignment cases I have ever seen. There is always something in there I want at the right price.


New member
You advice just made me poorer

I followed your advice and just came home with a H&R Sportsman 9-shot .22. I wasn't even looking for a .22! Oh well, maybe now I can actually afford to shoot as much as I'd like.:D


New member
Whne I think of the guns I've lost to hesitation vs the guns I've actually purchased... I'd rather have those I lost.

To that end, I've stopped browsing for the most part unless I know I'm in the market, and funded to boot.


New member
Oh yeah. Been there.

Coming back from a gun show I stopped at a shop I don't get to more than maybe once a year. S&W pre-Model 26 Model of 1950 .45 ACP, $650. It was the only one I've even seen, other than in photos. Passed it up because I already owned a M1917 and M25-2. Now that keeps me awake at night.

Two months ago I found a S&W M439 9mm ASP in a shop I visit weekly. It had just come in on an estate buy. Got it for under $700 because I learned my lesson.


New member
I also learned this lesson a long time ago at gunshows. If you don't know a value when you see it, walk away, come back later and it's gone.... you deserve it. Someone else did not have to hesitate so long. It is part of the education.

At one show I purchased two revolvers recently. Really only could afford one. Left the show feeling rather poor and doubting my wisdom. Dropped by a gun shop I visit occasionally and they had a NIB Model 19 for a good price. I bought that one too. I actually put that one on layaway and someone came in a day or so later and offered an additional $100 for that revolver.


New member
Hey webleynmkv,you pay $140 for that H&R?

No, it was closer to $200. I got it at a shop in Seymour, IN. I knew the gentleman that previously owned it. He passed away a couple weeks ago from lung cancer. I took it out and put a couple cylinders through it yesterday evening and it's a sweet little shooter, popcans beware!:D


New member
My finace went with me to the gun store, had the intention of buying either a s&w model 60 or a ruger SP 101. While I was deciding I spotted an S&W M 57-1. It had been ported, crown recessed, action worked over until it was the smoothest I've ever felt, and hard chromed to boot. I got it for $650. There was all of 30 seconds of hesitation.