

New member
I just saw that I am now a Senior Member!!! This is great. Now the moderators can send me all of my Senior member stuff. You know, like the free Molon Labe T shirts and hats, the free memberships to ranges, discounts on guns and tell me when the secret senior member meetings are being held. I am eager to learn the secret TFL Senior member handshake also. So if one of you moderators would PM me, I'll give you my address so you can get my stuff coming as soon as possible :D :D :D.

Seriously though, I am really impressed with quality of debate that goes on here. I have visited many other online forums and this is the cream of the crop. Civil debate backed by reason and logic is very hard to come by these days in any media. The content is monitored by the members as well as the moderators. If the discussion starts to become uncivil or drifts off topic it is quickly pointed out by the members here. I tell everyone I know who is interested in RKBA about this site. Thanks for letting me be part of a class organization.


New member
Funny how peoples reactions differ. When I happened to notice that I was a "Senior Member", my only reaction was irritation. Man, with only - what is it? 100 posts? that sure shouldn't count as Senior.

I don't know if the software allows it, but I think something like 1000 or even 2500 is more like it. Or make it calendar based - no Seniors under a year.


New member
Rather see it based on round count myself instead of post count,, or eliminated altogether.
plain old Member works as well as anything else.


New member
100 posts?!?

omg, let me see. At the rate I'm going it'll take me 200 years!!! Who set this number system up!!!