Wood AR Furniture


New member
Has anyone ordered the wood AR furniture kit (stock, grip, handguards)?

Was there any major fitting issues?

What was the resultant overall satisfaction?

I've been interested in such a thing for quite a while now, and now that money, time, and oportunity all seem to be in my favor- I think I'm going to go ahead with the project. Just wanted to check in and see if anyone has any good reasons not to.


New member
Has anyone ordered the wood AR furniture kit (stock, grip, handguards)?


Was there any major fitting issues?

nothing major, a little minor fitting on the stock

What was the resultant overall satisfaction?

pleased with it.. only put a fixed stock and grip on since there was no option for free float tube at the time..

put a CS flat wound spring in and a little weight in the carrier.. it makes for a nice varmint/target rig..it took a lot of the recoil pulse out of it..


New member
The wood furniture seemed to be popular as far as I remember they were on display at the gun shows in the late 70s.
The wood reminds me of the wood furniture on the FN FAL types.