wont group well


New member
i have a 270 mossburg rifle i bought new. shot it in at ioo yds. i got a 6 inch group. from bench, sandbag in. the load was 5 gr 4831, 130 gr bt bullet. up the charge 2 gr still nothing. i have tried several loads , same results. change scope, still could not hit the barn. any ideas cjs

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You should be able to shoot 6" groups without sights. I'd try factory ammo but I can't imagine what you could do wrong with handloads to get 6" groups.

If it continues to shoot even remotely that bad, I mean even 2" for me, it'd go in for warranty work.


New member
Also do like the gun writers tell us to do, check the screws. Tighten them all, fire a group, see how it shoots, then back off a quarter turn or so, see how it shoots.


New member
thanks guys, you are right, it was 50 gr. 4831. the same load a friend that i hunted in colorado with used in his rem. he took elk and deer with it. i am thinking it is the rifle, i have been loading for a lot of cal. over the years , i guess when you get past 80 you thinker dont woek so good. thanks cjs


New member
Determine the rate of twist in your barrel, then try a different bullet weight commensurate with that twist.


New member

I do not have a loading manual in front of me, but what I have done in the past is find middle of the road velocity for a given bullet weight. I load up a few and try them out.

If they group well, then all is good. If not, I start tweaking the load maybe a .2gr at a time and try again. Sometimes just a .1/.2 gr. difference is all you need. If you have upped the charge and had no joy, then back the charge down below your starting point and try again.

Sometimes you get really amazing changes in group size just by changing the charge a little bit.

Take notes and refer to them during the load workup.

Good luck!
