Women and concealed carry article


New member
My wife and mother signed up for a basic handgun class a while back and they both loved it. Now my wife is planning to get her carry permit. Can't happen soon enough IMO.


New member
I took my CCW class Sunday. Of the 80 people there 15-20
Where women. One I talked to at the range session was mid
60's and a first time shooter.


New member
I was kind of supprised. I thought everyone in Wyoming already had guns but NOPE.

I'm putting on a firearms Safety & Basic Class for our club Thursday to a bunch of new Lady Gun Owners.

Clubs already talking about a weekly class until the rush is over.

Verbal Clint

New member
I don't know why CHL courses don't give discounts to women. I understand the objective is to turn a profit, but don't you think they would give you more business in range time, ammo, weapons (ranges that have courses I guess), other classes, and more business by encouraging their friends? I have 2 daughters and when they turn 21, I'm going to pay for each of their CHL's, carry weapons, and whatever proficiency training they need (I'm sure I'll be going to the range with them long before they're 21). That's the best way to take your own worries away for your little girl :D