Woman stabbed, no one tried to help.


New member
(DE) Woman is slain on Concord Pike during rush hour

Woman is slain on Concord Pike during rush hour
Stabbing witnessed by rush-hour drivers
Staff reporter

As rush-hour motorists looked on, a Wilmington woman was stabbed to death Monday evening by her husband on Concord Pike in Brandywine Hundred, state police said.

The victim had been fighting with her husband as she drove north on Concord Pike near I-95 at about 6:25 p.m., police said. Their 6-year-old son was in the back seat of the Honda Accord.

As they struggled, the car ran off the east side of the roadway into a grassy area, then swerved across the two northbound lanes and struck a curb, disabling it near the Augustine Cut-Off, police said.

The woman got out of the car and ran into the southbound lanes. The man followed her and stabbed her several times, police said. He then fled into a wooded area near Rock Manor Golf Club, police said. The knife was not found.

The woman was able to walk back to the car, where she collapsed, bleeding from stab wounds to her neck, chest and arms, police said.

Emergency workers treated her at the scene and took her to Christiana Hospital by ambulance, said Mark Logemann, county paramedic spokesman. The woman was in critical condition when she arrived there, he said, and was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. Investigators did not release her name because her family had not been notified.

Police spokesman Lt. Tim Winstead said none of the motorists who stopped on Concord Pike tried to confront the man with the knife.

"If they observe a suspect with a knife and her being stabbed, it would not have been wise to intervene," Winstead said.

Some witnesses came to the woman's aid after she collapsed and the suspect fled, he said.

The northbound lanes of Concord Pike were closed for almost five hours as police investigated.

Investigators searched several Wilmington homes for the suspect.

Winstead said the boy was in the custody of the state's Division of Family Services as authorities searched for relatives.


"If they observe a suspect with a knife and her being stabbed, it would not have been wise to intervene," Winstead said.

yes, just sit back defenselessly and watch another lamb go to the slaughter....

man of steel

New member
Just to make sure everybody hears me


It is your responsibility to help

PS It doesn't matter what the meaning of "is" is


New member
I would safely say that this is a situation where I would intervene with a carefully-placed .45-caliber SXT or two. Anyone else? :eek:


New member
I wonder if this woman would have lived if one of the bystanders had been armed?

(Duplicate threads merged. Edited to delete superfluous copy of same news report).
Last edited by a moderator:


New member
Once again....

the "authorities" would rather have someone murdered than a non-official stop a crime.

Perhaps they fear for their jobs? Is that the essence of gun control?

Just so you know, I am a federal lawman. I'm speaking of agency and "official" attitudes, not those of individual lawmen.


New member
thanks for posting the story.

This needs to be shoved up antis' butts and down their throats and in their nostrils and in their earholes and any other orafices they might have:

Police spokesman Lt. Tim Winstead said none of the motorists who stopped on Concord Pike tried to confront the man with the knife.

"If they observe a suspect with a knife and her being stabbed, it would not have been wise to intervene," Winstead said.

Some witnesses came to the woman's aid after she collapsed and the suspect fled, he said.

Noone intervened, not even to give medical aid to the woman,
until AFTER the knife-wielder left.

"not wise to intervene", with bare hands against a knife yes this is correct. With a gun it would be perfectly fine.

All antis should be arrested and/or sued for aiding and abetting the knife-wielder; they helped make this crime possible.

Why can't we sue states over stealing our constitutional right to protect ourselves?


New member
:( I can't believe noone stopped to try to help. Even without a gun I would have at least tryed to help, maybe intervene with the brush guard on my truck.

Ed Brunner

New member
This is another of those sad cases that we allow the media and the antis to characterize.
We should not get involved.
Violence begets violence.
It would only make it worse.
It would not help if we took another human life.
We would be prosecuted if we did.

Baba Louie

New member
BY the time you saw it happening as you drive by at 35 mph, register it as a crime, stop, get out and (ahem) apprehend the stabber; you've spent, what 10 -- 15 seconds? More?

What kind of damage has he continued to add to his victim? Is he STILL COMMITTING THE ACT at the time of your "Shoot-No shoot" decision/action?

Is he coming at you w/ knife or is he in flight?

Now what do you do?

Render first aid.

Get a description.

The second you decided to participate in someone else's life, their problem became your problem. Get a lawyer (to CYA if ya shoot or even if you become a "Good Samaratin gets Sued" participant ).

Knife wounds...(shudder) First Aid? Any EMT/FD experts here? SHould have paid better attention when I was a Boy Scout.



New member
just to back up what baba louie said, in my experience (though fortunately they have never been this bad) domestic arguments and charges resulting from them are almost always dropped because of the (and before people object this is almost always the way it happens) the wife/female partner drops the allegation against the husband/male partner, so they may not support any action taken against him to protect her, even to this extent, never mind if you actually put a few rounds into him.

of course, the responsible act is to intervene, as i suspect many if not all here would. the problems have been highlighted by BL and myself, but according to the story noone stopped (although one suspects someone must have to call the ambulance and inform Police of where the perp had gone).

before the "well this is what happens when you disarm the populace, sheeple etc" comments, this happens everywhere - for every walk-on-by person, there is another public-spirited citizen that intervenes, at risk to him- or herself.

[edited for not reading a website correctly)


New member

before the "well this is what happens when you disarm the populace, sheeple etc" comments, this happens everywhere - for every walk-on-by person, there is another public-spirited citizen that intervenes, at risk to him- or herself.

Actually, based on this and on other incidents like it, for every few hundred "walk-on-by persons", there is NO ONE who will step in to aid or even serve as a witness after the fact. Where was you're one "public-sprited citizen" amongst the rush hour traffic? Even if there was only one person per car, 4 lanes of rush hour traffic should have produced at least a hundred or so potential "public-sprited citizens".

Folks, you're on your own and the police will only show up later to pick up the pieces.


New member
Kitty Genovese, anyone?

I can't imagine "not getting involved" when something so terrible is happening right before your eyes. Anyone read "Watchmen", by Alan Moore? I know how Rorschach feels. Minus the psychosis, of course.

What's wrong with people?

I spend a lot of time talking about why people should have the right to be armed. I say, "If the only thing keeping people from killing their friends is the lack of a convenient way to do it, then keeping them away from guns won't solve their problems." I argue that people need to be trusted to know when and how to use power, and to be responsible for themselves. But when I read things like this, I have to wonder: If people don't know when to intervene, how do they know when not to? Maybe I've overestimated people in general. :(
Sarah and the Brady Bunch beam with the smugness that follows success. You see, the lady would have been shot if the husband had a gun. Instead, another incident of gun violence has been prevented. Chalk one up for Sarah!

On the other hand, to paraphrase Colt, God made man, but Colt made woman equal.


New member
That's awful. :(

Yesterday I was in a minor fender-bender when a little old lady behind me rammed into my bumper. She locked herself out of the car, right there in the middle of the busy road. About six to eight people stopped to help, risking their own safety while cars continued to whiz by.

And no one would help the woman being stabbed. That's really sick. If the tables were turned and it was one of them being stabbed, looking around, gasping for help while a dozen pairs of eyes looked on...


New member

Quote above: "I wonder if this woman would have lived if one of the bystanders had been armed?"

How about: I wonder if this woman would have lived if SHE had been armed (with a handgun) ?

' Just forwarded this to a lady friend who I have been trying to get to carry all day every day ... In my view, a woman should not be on the road without one ... :( :barf: :(


New member
NRA page, Delaware firearm laws

It looks like the passers by probably did not have the ability to stop the attack. Is Joe Motorist supposed to jump out of his car, and stop a knife attack bare handed? That works well in the movies, in real life you can get sliced up real bad.

I'm putting the blame for this one on Delaware's Politicians, and judges. The victim did just what the state expected of her, she waited for police help.



New member
Not actually to stir up another (un)civil war, but does anyone think the outcome would have been different if this had ocurred in Nashville, or Lubbock?