Woman shot while online

Dennis Olson

New member
(fair use)

Woman shot while online

DUNN, N.C. (AP) -- A woman's ex-husband broke into her mobile home and shot her as friends on the other side of the state listened from an Internet voice chat room, authorities said.

Deanna Diane Gregory, 28, died Monday at a university hospital in Chapel Hill following the weekend shooting. Gregory told four friends through her computer's microphone that her ex-husband was breaking in, the Harnett County Sheriff's Office said.

The friends heard three gunshots and notified authorities, who found Gregory's front door open and the woman wounded on the couch, Maj. Steve West with the sheriff's office said.

Adam Bruce Moore, 29, was initially charged with attempted murder, but the charge was expected to change to murder, West said. He was also charged with first-degree burglary.

West said the couple's children were staying with Moore's parents when the shooting occurred. Earlier this year, Gregory accused Moore of making threats, but the case was dismissed, prosecutors said.




I found this on another board. My response (perhaps a bit harsh):

Yet another "unarmed sheeple gets killed" tale. Too bad the woman had no means of self defense. So now her kids have no mother, because she was too stupid to get one.

Oh well, "If it saves just ONE CHILD'S LIFE..."


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken

[This message has been edited by Dennis Olson (edited October 10, 2000).]


New member
And if this woman had had a gun to protect herself with???

Too many woman die at the hands of their estranged husbands, jilted lovers, etc. to allow women to carry on this charade of the fairer sex.
All's fair in Love and War. I wish all women would take up arms top protect themselves when someone else decided to declare unofficial war against them.

Sad, truly sad.

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited October 11, 2000).]

David Scott

New member
Truly sad, Donny, in fact a protective order these days has exactly the opposite effect it should have. Instead of protecting the abused spouse, it just waves a red flag in front of the abuser. IMHO the best protective order comes with a big mean dog and a 12 gauge pump.


New member
Not funny George, someone dying because another decided to use(Improper Term)"Gun Violence", to achieve their ill will, is right back us, the people who do use firearms practically, safely, and legally.

Jeff Thomas

New member
This is not meant as a criticism of any TFLer's ... but, as I read the above thread, I thought about the 7,000 members and many more lurkers on TFL. Some of those words many seem insensitive. Let me address the lurkers.

Those of us who have decided to take responsibility for our family's safety and our own personal safety are sick and tired of seeing this loss of innocent life. 'The Gift of Fear' by de Becker addresses the point made above regarding TRO's (temporary restraining orders) ... they do indeed tend to set these men off.

What's the point? The point is that we desperately wish that women, and men for that matter, would simply 'do the math'. Find out how long it takes for 911 to respond in your area ... you'll be very, very lucky if they get there in 3 minutes. Now, count slowly to 180, as you imagine yourself being attacked in your own home. How long does 180 seconds feel as you consider yourself and your family being stabbed, bludgeoned, shot and / or raped?

None of us want to consider such a desperate event, and the truth is ... most of us will never encounter such violent crime. But, people do encounter such crime, and it happens every day.

So, the tragic case above was the story of a woman who knew she was a target. A deranged man hated her, and she relied upon 'the system' to protect her. And now she has died a terrible death, and her children are indeed left without the love of their mother. Everyone in TFL knows that we could have taught her to defend herself in only a few hours, and it could have saved her life. Instead, this woman believed the lies promulgated by the anti-self defense movement, and, essentially, she chose to die.

Ladies, when other women, and men, tell you that you'd be more likely to shoot yourself, or have your gun taken away to be used against you ... well, you need to ask yourself why you would accept their assertion that you are so incompetent that you cannot learn to use a firearm. How would you have responded if they had told you that you would be likely to kill yourself with your own car, or that you would burn yourself on a stove?

It is time for women to understand that women are the greatest beneficiaries of firearms. With just a little training and practice, you can learn to deal with the scumbags that threaten you and your children, regardless of their size and strength. You can gain the true freedom and security of becoming capable of defending yourselves and your children.

It is time for women to stop kidding themselves, and start learning to survive. Don't believe me? Then take just one course, and see if you are as incompetent as the anti-self defense gun bigots want you to believe - I'll wager that you are strong enough and smart enough to become more competent with a firearm than most men.

Ladies, please ... choose life.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 12, 2000).]


New member
I'm lucky; the 911 response time in my area is 45 seconds. In the interim, I would barricade myself with my HK.

[This message has been edited by Incursion (edited October 12, 2000).]


911 call time here in AZ,Yavapia county can be as long as 45 minutes.
People please take responsibility for your own safty.I think all of the LEO's here will say the same thing.They can't be everywhere all the time.If you are lucky a officer will be there if you need one.If you are that lucky however you should be playing the slots in Vagas and be a millonare.
Its sad that these anti idiots are responsible for deaths of so many people.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Friends, thank you. I enjoy writing, and I do hope to do more in the future.

However, the words, logic and philosophy in my heart and head regarding the RKBA are mainly reflections of what TFL has taught me. Rich Lucibella and his team have given all of us a tremendous resource, and I will always be grateful.

I pray that more people will consider these truths carefully. No more innocent life should be lost to the scumbags in our world.

Thanks. Regards from AZ


New member
Very well said , Jeff! Very Well Said!
Thank You!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Thomas:
This is not meant as a criticism of any TFLer's ... but, as I read the above thread, I thought about the 7,000 members and many more lurkers on TFL. Some of those words many seem insensitive. Let me address the lurkers.

Those of us who have decided to take responsibility for our family's safety and our own personal safety are sick and tired of seeing this loss of innocent life. 'The Gift of Fear' by de Becker addresses the point made above regarding TRO's (temporary restraining orders) ... they do indeed tend to set these men off.

What's the point? The point is that we desperately wish that women, and men for that matter, would simply 'do the math'. Find out how long it takes for 911 to respond in your area ... you'll be very, very lucky if they get there in 3 minutes. Now, count slowly to 180, as you imagine yourself being attacked in your own home. How long does 180 seconds feel as you consider yourself and your family being stabbed, bludgeoned, shot and / or raped?

None of us want to consider such a desperate event, and the truth is ... most of us will never encounter such violent crime. But, people do encounter such crime, and it happens every day.

So, the tragic case above was the story of a woman who knew she was a target. A deranged man hated her, and she relied upon 'the system' to protect her. And now she has died a terrible death, and her children are indeed left without the love of their mother. Everyone in TFL knows that we could have taught her to defend herself in only a few hours, and it could have saved her life. Instead, this woman believed the lies promulgated by the anti-self defense movement, and, essentially, she chose to die.

Ladies, when other women, and men, tell you that you'd be more likely to shoot yourself, or have your gun taken away to be used against you ... well, you need to ask yourself why you would accept their assertion that you are so incompetent that you cannot learn to use a firearm. How would you have responded if they had told you that you would be likely to kill yourself with your own car, or that you would burn yourself on a stove?

It is time for women to understand that women are the greatest beneficiaries of firearms. With just a little training and practice, you can learn to deal with the scumbags that threaten you and your children, regardless of their size and strength. You can gain the true freedom and security of becoming capable of defending yourselves and your children.

It is time for women to stop kidding themselves, and start learning to survive. Don't believe me? Then take just one course, and see if you are as incompetent as the anti-self defense gun bigots want you to believe - I'll wager that you are strong enough and smart enough to become more competent with a firearm than most men.

Ladies, please ... choose life.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 12, 2000).]