Woman accidentally shoots herself


New member
This happened at a local gym earlier this afternoon. According to the live report I saw earlier today, the reporter says gym management has a "no firearms allowed" policy, but the online version makes no mention of it.

Woman Accidentally Shoots Herself

JACKSONVILLE, FL - An accidental shooting near Avondale has killed one woman and left friends wondering how it could have happened. According to police the unidentified woman was shot at the Powerhouse Gym near Roosevelt and San Juan Avenue as she was putting equipment in a bag.

Investigators say that 35 year-old Vicky Baker was going about her daily workout routine with her partner and that nothing unusual happened until the shooting occured. Police say that she and her partner were apparently finished working out and that she was kneeling over a small bag while putting equipment in it. At some point while she was kneeling, investigators say a small handgun accidentally discharged from inside a bag and shot her in the chest.

Off duty firemen and police officers at the gym attempted to stabilize the victim until help arrived. The woman was then transported to Shands Jacksonville where doctors spent much of the afternoon working to try and save her life. In the end, however, the woman perished from the chest wound.

Police are now trying to figure out if the gun was registered, who it belonged to and why it was at the gym.


New member
Police are now trying to figure out if the gun was registered

Police are now trying to figure out if the gun was registered

This story is datelined Jacksonville, Florida. In Florida, guns are not registered. Therefore, there is nothing for police to "figure out" regarding the gun's "registration."

I wish these lazy ignorant reporters would do a little research and get their facts straight once in a while.

Also, notice the "accidentally went off" phraseology. Guns do not "go off" by themselves. Guns "go off" when someone pulls the trigger.


New member
Hopefully they were misquoted and really wanted to see if she had a concealed carry permit but Bogbabe you are 110 % correct no gun registration in Florida.Didn't notice a mention of revolver or pistol wonder if it was just lose in the bag or holstered.....:eek:


New member
Yes, they might be checking to see if she had a carry permit. I hope the cops know the difference.

But still . . . . in Florida, a carry permit applies to the person, not the gun. The gun is not required to be registered.

The "gun went off" and "shot her in the chest" statement bothers me more, though. Reporters always act as if guns have minds of their own, and sometimes they just "go off" and "shoot people." Because, you know, guns are inherently evil and dangerous and it's not safe to even be in the same room with one, because sometimes they accidentally "go off" and shoot someone.

I suspect there was no holster (or at least not one that covered the trigger) and this woman was rooting around in her bag without regard to the fact that she had a loaded weapon in there. She accidentally pulled the trigger and she accidentally shot herself in the chest.

Unless the gun was in someone else's bag, in which case someone else accidentally pulled the trigger and accidentally shot the woman, but in neither case did the gun "go off" by itself. Do we ever read stories that say "The car accidentally accelerated and ran over the person" or "The bathtub accidentally filled itself with water and drowned the baby"? But we hear all the time about guns acting independently of any human intervention and shooting someone.


New member
I know what some of you guys mean. I work at a large local retail store and one day a middle aged woman came up to my regester to pay for some items. She FIRMLY put down her purse and took out her other little purse or wallet to write me a check. Her purse was completly open and I could cleary see an upside down Glock 19/23/32(not sure which one), and I saw a CCW permit next to her drivers licence. I asked her what caliber her Glock was and she looked at me shocked and said you know I have a Glock? I told her I could clearly see it. To get to the point, after she left the store I thought about it a bit more and realized that her Glock was loose in her purse!!:eek: and it was pointed at me the whole time. I wasn't angry at all, but kinda like whoa, what happend if a pen or some other object pushed up against the trigger when she put her purse down on the counter. Oh well, I think too much about these things. Oh BTW I'm in Jacksonville and when I heard about this little incident it brought back that memory about the one I had.


New member
Could just be a freak accident. I always keep my pistols in a holster. I really am curious to know how far the pistol was from her, what type it was, and to what the forensic people attribute the accident .


New member
One of the reasons why I am adamant about using a holster for pocket or purse carry.

Sad and hardly good for the gunners that do pay attention.
