Wolves, now Cougars.. what next?


New member
The wonderful Wisconsin DNR introduced wolves a few years ago (they say they didn't but we all know they did :D ). The wolves have made it down to our leased land the last five years and we see them every rifle season.

Last year one of the guys saw a cougar going into our leased land. The guy in our group that handles the lease owns a farm near the leased land and he and his family have seen more then one cougar together on his land. Oh joy.

Cougars and wolves and bears.. oh my! :(

cougars+coyotes+wolves=zero deer


New member
I dont know where you got your info but the DNR DID introduce wolfs to WI!!!! The set up 2 packs in different areas in the NW part of the state in the 80's, you could contribute to the cost of it and get a special "wolf" license plate.
You are a wealth of eronious info lately!!!


Wolves, mountain lions, bears, sounds like the mess we have at the hands of the Feds here in northern Idaho.

Idaho declared a wolf emergency back in April and everyone I know is getting a wolf tag when they go elk hunting this year. These are Mackenzie Valley wolves that are the largest and most aggressive type of wolf. Idaho had a very small recovering population native wolf that ironically truly was exterminated by it's more aggressive Canadian cousin. In addition, they are spreading a very serious disease among deer, elk, bear that can infect people as well. The Feds knew about this prior to the introduction program since I learned about it when I went to Med School in the 1980's.



American Made

New member
We had family friends that had their hounds killed by wolves. Just before this tragic event, I started into hound hunting myself. With more and more hunters losing dogs, my prized bluetick from Tennessee now enjoys the easy life. My wife warned me about getting 'her' dog hurt..funny how that works.

I find dog, I pay for dog, I train dog = her dog?


New member
I find dog, I pay for dog, I train dog = her dog?

Welcome to married life. :)

When it comes to wolves I am of the opinion that outside of a zoo the only lace for a wolf is six feet under in the lower 48.



New member
The wonderful Wisconsin DNR introduced wolves a few years ago (they say they didn't but we all know they did ).
I seriously doubt the DNR introduced the wolves, mostly because one of the main areas for wolves over the past 30+ years that I have been hunting has been Wisconsin and Minnesota. But anyway, now the wolves have made it down to where your property is. Get the proper permits/tags and hunt them.

Cougars are another story. Cougars historically were found in all areas of North America, but were "hunted out" in many areas. Not necessarily eliminated, just too scarce to cause enough problems to get worked up over. An adult cougar can roam over hundreds of square miles, and hunting them is difficult at best, so the "less physically inclined" hunters of today would likely never get worked up enough to want to go get one. Result: no hunters, more cougars. Pretty soon they will be a common problem. Go buy a cougar tag/permit and fill it.


New member
Wolves, mountain lions, bears, sounds like the mess we have at the hands of the Feds here in northern Idaho.

Idaho declared a wolf emergency back in April and everyone I know is getting a wolf tag when they go elk hunting this year. These are Mackenzie Valley wolves that are the largest and most aggressive type of wolf. Idaho had a very small recovering population native wolf that ironically truly was exterminated by it's more aggressive Canadian cousin. In addition, they are spreading a very serious disease among deer, elk, bear that can infect people as well. The Feds knew about this prior to the introduction program since I learned about it when I went to Med School in the 1980's.

figures...the first time Idaho gets wolf tags with no quotas and I happen to be deployed... just my luck:eek:


New member
Coyotes can do jsut as much to a deer population as wolves or cougars. A field and stream article not to long ago linked to a study that showed in places where wolves and coyotes co exisit, coyotes kill more deer than wolves. The solution for either situation is to dig a deep hole...


When it comes to wolves I am of the opinion that outside of a zoo the only lace for a wolf is six feet under in the lower 48.

Rather a pathetic and myopic way of looking at an entire ecosystem; considering they were there first and never decimated the deer herds. That didn't happen until man showed up.........


New member

They have showed up here in MI also,confirmed buy our DNR in the UP this week. Many people have spotted them here in the southern part of the state also although the DNR wont admit to that one yet. Personally i have seen several pictures from local bowhunting trail cams not to believe it. I live in the Grand Rapids,Kazoo area SW MI. They are here. The DNR here say they are coming in from the Dakotas.,I dont know for sure but one had a collar on it, the most recent trailcam pic i saw., tells me that some state has started a tagging program as they denied it for far to long. I have seen black bear as close as 10 mi from Grand Rapids a city of 500,000. Someone will get hurt and real soon im afraid. Cougers are also protected here unless you can prove your life is in danger.


Today, 02:16 PM #12
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When it comes to wolves I am of the opinion that outside of a zoo the only lace for a wolf is six feet under in the lower 48.
Rather a pathetic and myopic way of looking at an entire ecosystem; considering they were there first and never decimated the deer herds. That didn't happen until man showed up.........
"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory.” - Aldo Gucci

Sorry, but there really is no place anymore for these predators imported from Canada. Up here in Idaho, one of my friends grew up on a ranch in northern Idaho. He is quite familiar with the native Idaho wolf that used to survive mainly on rodents. They did not bother his cattle. Now, we deal with the Mackenzie Valley wolves taking over the entire ecosystem here in the west. The Mackenzie Valley wolves are the largest and most aggressive wolves in North America. Take a look at a comparison of the native Idaho wolf and this pestilent species forced upon us by the Feds:


Besides the Echinococcus parasite that invades humans as well, the Canadian wolf does decimate ungulate populations in Alaska all the time. There is a reason that the wolves are hunted incessantly in Alaska.

Yes, there is no place for Canada's Mackenzie Valley wolves here in Alaska. My suspicion is that the Feds wish to destroy subsistence hunting practiced in the western states so that when the SHTF scenario comes, we won't be able to head to the hills and feed our families like many do today. Finding elk in the St. Joe River area of Idaho is becoming a more difficult task because of this deadly predator. Once you get an elk, you need to examine the innards to make sure it is not infected with Hydatid cysts from eat grass contaminated with wolf feces containing the parasite. Bears, elk, deer ad other animals are becoming infected substantially making the hazard of bringing this parasite into your home more likely.

In addition, simply being out hunting where you could encounter ground contaminated by wolf feces now is an additional health hazard. You MUST leave hunting shoes outside and clean them before bringing them into the house to get on carpet and other areas of the house where the parasites can then be available to infect humans as well. People that get infected can have cysts form in the brain and throughout the body. Surgical removal is the best method of curing these cysts but the problem is that during surgical removal, if the cyst ruptures, thousands of parasites are released and will form thousands of cysts in the exposed areas.

In other words, Canadian Mackenzie Valley wolves are a NIGHTMARE forced upon us by the Feds who KNEW all of this information BEFORE they "reintroduced" the gray. It was not a reintroduction, it was a Federal INVASION.


New member
Remember the old adage

Hi I'm from the government and I'm here to help you!!!!!!:D

To those who maintain that since wolves won't decimate a deer/elk population because they didn't do it originally I suggest you aren't considering that man is now the number 1 predator of those populations and "man" as a predator, plays a major part of the economy in many states that used to have large herds of deer/elk. How much money do you think the wolves will inject into those economies?


Today, 04:40 PM #15
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Join Date: June 23, 2010
Location: Missouri
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Remember the old adage
Hi I'm from the government and I'm here to help you!!!!!!

To those who maintain that since wolves won't decimate a deer/elk population because they didn't do it originally I suggest you aren't considering that man is now the number 1 predator of those populations and "man" as a predator, plays a major part of the economy in many states that used to have large herds of deer/elk. How much money do you think the wolves will inject into those economies?

The Feds have really outdone themselves this time. They have a predator that spreads a deadly disease to all animals that come in contact with its feces including many game animals, they are decimating the deer and elk populations, they have NO FEAR OF MAN at all, they are a menace that we will never be able to eradicate by Federal Law since they are now listed as an endangered species. Actually they are not an endangered species at all, they are instead an invasive species that is upsetting the ecosystem in a terrible manner at a terrific pace.

Learn the truth of what the Feds have done to the western states. If they have also placed them in WI, then it is only a matter of time before they start propagating to more urban areas.


New member
The first place they should have reintroduced wolves was New York City with DC second. Animal Rights folk tend to live in Big Cities but want us Country People to adapt to their vision of the way things should be.


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Seeing is believing !!

Last week, the Iowa DNR, reported a cougar sighting in the Wapsipenican river bottoms, in East central iowa. The image was caught on a game camera. It took the DNR a week to review and confirm what it was. Guess they could not to believe their eyes. This is fairly new to our last two generations but surely not for Iowa. .... ;)

Recently saw a program about these critters moving into various states and it seems that they can trace where they came from, after obtaining their DNA. Lots of luck with that. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!