Wolves attacking a Moose!


New member
Got these pics as well through an email, don't know the story behind them as well. It had to be exciting though to watch and take pics.




New member
Good for them...

the wolves that is. 1 moose = lots of food.

If you ever consider yourself a great hunter, watch actual predators at work. You will hang your head in shame, and you will probably learn a lot. Heck, just watch your cat stalking a bird in the yard. There's no human who's ever lived that could stalk so silently of lethally. Our technology gets us in the game, but even so, we're second-rate.

It's a miracle we survived.


Fat White Boy

New member
I found it interesting that the author noted that the wolves ate the moose while it was still alive. Anti-hunters always bring up a less than clean kill as a reason not to hunt. I don't know but I think I would rather be shot and wounded than be dragged down and watch while a pack of wolves eats me from the inside out.


New member
Holy Natural Gangster Batman!

It says in the article that the pack in the pictures had recently killed the leader of a neighboring pack! It's the canine mob!:cool:


New member
Hey tube_ee just to let you know that Peter H. Capstick stated in the intro to Death in the Long Grass that he used to stalk and catch by hand songbirds in his front yard as a young boy.



New member
I've seen that and the aftermath in Alberta, we were in the same area where they captured the wolves that were set out in Yellowstone park. The wolves picked a swamp donkey clear down to the bones... Never bothered with us.


New member
Note to self...when calling coyotes in an area where wolves may be, take a buddy and some spare ammo. The biggest pack of coyotes I have seen is three and I would hate to see what they do to young deer in our area.

Dave R

New member
Wow, dramatic story and pix.

Leaves no doubt that a wolf pack could take an unarmed human, if it ever chose to do so. A human couldn't put up near the fight the moose did.
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New member
Wolves suck. My favorite bumper sticker says, "Welcome to Wyoming, now take a wolf and go home"!

Smoke Screen

New member
Yowza!! :eek: Talk about a crazy experience! I've seen about 4 moose live in the woods in my short life, and every time I see one, them seem to get bigger and bigger. I'll bet those wolves weighed about 185 pounds a piece! Tell' em to save me some moose jerky. :D


I don't know but I think I would rather be shot and wounded than be dragged down and watch while a pack of wolves eats me from the inside out.

I thought a lot about this statement, and after initially agreeing, now would disagree. I'd much rather be eaten alive by wolves, because it's going to be over relatively quickly, and while you are being eaten, you will be going on constant adrenaline dump, so you won't feel too much pain. But being shot & wounded, after the adrenaline wears off, the real pain can set in, and then you die a long horrible death, and ultimately be eaten by crows, buzzards, skunks, ants & worms instead of wolves. Ants are gonna take a LOT longer to eat you alive than wolves. I'd rather contribute to the wolves' nutrition than the other critters. However, I'm sure I'd feel differently if I lived up there - people dislike them for pretty good reasons.