Wolf in Glocks?


New member
In my local gun store recently I saw a hand lettered sign that said:

Do not use Wolf brand ammunition in Glock handguns.

Anybody have an idea why? I know lead is supposed to be bad for them but I thought the Wolf stuff had a conventional jacket.

If the answer is Wolf ammo is low quality, then why just Glocks? For that matter, why sell it at all?


New member
I don't know about running it in glocks, but the stuff gave me a load of trouble in my AR-15.
I Had a ton of laquer build up in the chamber of my AR. Hoppes wouldn't touch it. I wound up using carburator cleaner to get the stuff out. That was after I pried the bolt out with a screw driver, and beat the cartrige out of the chamber with my cleaning rod, and a ball pean hammer.
My opinion- Wolf ammo BAD.


New member
Wolf ammo works in AKs. The Kalashnikov action was designed to handle steel cased, laquer coated ammo.

Western firearms are NOT designed for such ammunition. The only handgun I've heard of that reliably eats Wolf is the Makarov, another Russian design.


New member
I have had absolutely no problems with Wolf ammo. It's dirty and it stinks, but it is cheap and it's great for practice. Plus, everybody sells it, and you can ALWAYS find a sale on it somewhere--especially on the web.

I clean my guns THOROUGHLY after each time at the range, and that includes disassembling and cleaning the mags. I have seen no buildup of lacquer anywhere after using Wolf ammo. In each of these guns, I've shot approximately the following amount of Wolf:

Glock 36...1500
Glock 22C...500
Glock 26 & Kel-Tec P-11...1000
Glock 27...800
Kimber Pro CDP II...600 (I was hesitant to use it in this $$$ model, but NO problems, NO buildups)

Yesterday I just received 10 boxes of Wolf .45 ACP FMJ's from Outdoor-Source--$6.90 per box + S&H.


New member
My experience has been the same as Druggie and Cornbread2.
AR, Mini14, Glock 19, 17, 26, Kahr MK9, Ruger P95, no problems at all.

Seems like Wolf is kind of like Glock:
You either love it or hate it.

I did have a KelTec 9mm that wouldn't shoot Wolf, but it jammed on Winchester white box also.


New member
I have seen the Wolf stuff jam a Springfield, break a Kimber extractor, and wreak other havoc in my neighbor's Ruger P90. Therefore, my Ruger KP90 doesn't speak Russian. It is bi-lingual, though, works very well with Czech made stuff {Sellier & Bellot}

Just my experiences, your mileage will vary.


New member
I bought a thousand rounds of Wolf... It would not chamber at all in my G30. The cases were oversized and would get stuck halfway into the chamber.

It fired OK in all of the rest of my .45's but I had to go and buy more ammo just for the Glock.

I switched to S&B and had zero problems, got it for just a few dollars more and no worries abou the laquer.


The S&B ammo is good stuff. I perfer it over the Wolf if I can get it.

My Glock 26 went through a case of it and liked it.

So far my 26 has never jamed or missfired with anything.


New member
I shot Wolf in my Glocks before and had no problem with them other then it felt hotter then normal and dirty then other brands of ammo.


New member
I have shot close to a thousand rounds of it through my Glock19 and 26, also my friends Glock 36..No probs whatsoever. It's reliable and reasonably accurate, just a little dirty, but so what?


New member
One store here in Richmond,Va also had a sign not to use Wolf in Glocks. I asked and was told they had to send a few Glocks back to the factory because of Wolf ammo.


New member
Mr. Shear,
If you're talking about Green Top then that is the answer I was looking for. It seemed to me that if they sold it for use in Rugers, HKs, Sigs etc., then they had to have a reason for recomending against it for Glocks. I didn't think to ask while I was there.

Thanks, Griz

Tom B

New member
I don't use Wolf but

The story is that the steel case of the Wolf ammo is hard on a Glock extractor. I have shot alot of the S&B in my Glocks and I like it. Costs just a little more than Wolf.


New member
Griz, you are correct. It was GreenTops. The sign is posted over the "inexpensive" ammo rack. When I asked the 3 salesman there it was vague but that a few Glocks had broken with the ammo. That was all they knew.


New member
Wolf in Glocks

I have shot over 4K rounds of Wolf in my Glock 30 without 1 problem at all. They seem to be a little on the dirty side, but I don't find them to be any dirtier than S&B or CorBon. Know a few guys that have been reloading them as well using carbide resizing dies. I generally pay 55 to 60 for 500 rounds plus shipping on Gunbroker, AuctionArms, or a couple of people advertising in ShotgunNews.


New member
that red water proof ring around the casing gets in hte way of the firing pin causing failures to fire. I have found that red crap around the firing pins on my G21 and mu usp 40 compact... Stay away from it