Wolf ammo/SKS accuracy question


New member
How accurate is Wolf ammo? I use it in my SKS and it seems to go all over the place.

If it's not the Wolf ammo, what should I try next to juice all the accuracy I can get out of my SKS?

P.S. I shoot iron sights at a 10" gong at 100 yards.


New member
Well, the SKS isn't that accurate anyway, seeing as it has a somewhat short barrel, and the iron sights aren't all that great.

What are you using for ammo: FMJ, HP, or SP?


New member
3 to 4 inch groups at 100 yards is about par for an SKS.

I have had good luck with American Eagle ammo. We are assuming that the stock is tight and that the chamber, bore, and crown are in good shape. BTW, what kind of pattern are you getting?


New member
I'm using FMJ and HP and getting better results with the FMJ.

I'm also shooting a 59/66, so the barrel isn't as short as some of the other varients. It's definetly seen better days and has had the snot shot out of it. The bore is alittle pitted but the rifleing is still there. The crown and chamber look allright, but how do I check them out? How tight should the stock be?

I usually shoot at 10" gongs so I don't know exactly what kind of groups I get but shooting from a seated position with no rest I can sometimes hit the gong. Pathetic, I know. I've never had to accurize a rifle so I'm kinda starting from scratch. I've messed with the sights and I can tell they need alittle more messing with.

I realize that this isn't some kind of 1" group at 250 yards kinda gun. I'd be satisfied if I could get 4" - 5" groups at 100 yards out of it.


New member
The SKS is a surplus rifle. It's only as good as the guy who cared for it before you was. I have two SKS's and I looked them over real good before I bought em. The pick of the litter, the best of the ones the gun shop let me look ever. Gotta say that half had damaged crowns/muzzles others were well worn. My Romanian grouped really bad but the wood was badly loose. I put a tight fitting aftermarket poly/something stock on it and it now groups a respectable 4" average at 150 yards using the Wolf copper jacket fmjs.


New member
The SKS isn't meant to be an accurized rifle. Don't waste your money trying to fix it. It is a surplus military rifle; nothing more, nothing less.


New member
My Yugo

I shoot the Wolf HP ammo all day and all night through my re-arsenaled 59/66A1. At 200yds, I can ding a 12" gong at least 1/2 the time, open sights. Matter of fact, some retard with too much $ was sighting in a Remington 700 with all the options...fluted BB, carbon fiber bolt, bipod and some humongous scope. He was shooting at the other gong, which was 24" from the same 200yard mark, and he was all over the place, hit maybe 2/10 (to be fair, I think he was sighting it in for the first time). He probably spent more on his scope rings and carrying case than my Yugo cost me. He really got pissed when I went from using my nagant to punch paper @ 100yards to gong dinging with a $200 Commie surplus weapon with open sights. Poor, poor bastard. I thought it was hilarious. Anyways, my intention regarding ammo choice for the SKS is, and will always be the same. The gun cost me $200. I'm not gonna feed it expensive ammo...that's just dumb. I've bought 2000 rounds for it so far, and given the scarsity of 7.62x39mm ammo, even the Wolf has run me about $180 per case of 1000 on average. That's almost enough in cheap ammo to get 2 of the 59/66A1's. BA, SU, R. Don't make it to be something it isn't. It's a fun gun. If you're not happy with it, maybe you should pony up for an AR, or go to the optometrist.


New member
Oh no, don't get me wrong - I love my SKS.

I was just trying to squeeze some more accuracy out of it. I've got other rifles that I could hit the gong all day with. I just like the challenge I guess...


New member

Does it group well @ 100yds? Or is it really all over the place? Are you shooting offhand, rested, prone? Are you changing your cheek weld position possibly? Also, what type of SKS are we talking here?


New member
It's a Yugo 59/66. I'm shooting seated, using my arms as a rest on a bench. I shoot at a 10" gong at 100 yards and I hit it sometimes. When I miss it's not by much, so I'd say I am getting 11" groups.

Cheek weld position? I'm guessing that's where my cheek is on the rifle? I'm not sure if I'm changing it or not. Should I be?


New member
Just out of curiosity, do any of you shoot the SKS with a scope mounted? Do any of the various (affordable) scope mounts work? Do they stay firmly in place, or do they come loose after one clip? How about scopes for the AK-47? Is one type preferable to another, or are they all junk?

Aw hell.... I think I just hi-jacked this thread. :p


New member
Wolf ammo is, IMHO, garbage. Yes, it's cheap, but you get what you pay for. The steel cases are not designed to to be reloaded.


New member
My Chicom SKS will shoot 3" groups regularly with iron sights. The catch is, it will only do it with AMERICAN ammo. Wolf ammo is reliable but is not very accurate in my experience, shoots 8" groups at 100yds. with my rifle. I have killed deer with the SKS but using Winchester Super X ammo, which it shoots well. I did, however have to soft solder in a couple of shims on the sides of the cartridge guides to stop the rifle from nicking the soft points on the edge of the chamber as the action cycled cartridges from the magazine.


New member
My yugo 59/66 is headshot accurate at 100 yards, I don't remember exactly the group size, but it was easily smaller than an average person's head. (Being that it is a military gun, I feel that it's only right to guage its accuraccy in militarily applicable terms)

I use silver bear FMJ and SP ammo which is very simmilar to wolf. Personally, I like it because the casings are silver and the ammo just looks so cool on the stipper clips.:cool: :D

I'm sure the gun itself could do a little bit better, and I have yet to try some american ammo.


New member
I guess I'm alone here.

My 59/66A1 will do 3-4" at 100 yards with Wolf HP. Maybe I just got a good SKS? I doubt that is the case though, as not a single damned serial # matches on the thing. I'm considering going bubba on this Yugo, and picking up an unissued one. Maybe I won't though, seems I'm in the minority here on the accuracy thing. I'm very confused by all the negatives on the Wolf ammo. Yes, it's cheap. Yes, you get what you pay for. But, I swear by all that is right and moral...cheap guns deserve cheap ammo. Sounds like a few of you just need some practice...or a sight adjustment tool. I'm very confused.


New member
In millitary terms, my Yogu shoots really well. If I was to aim COM at a human target at 100 yards, they would get hit somewhere between the throat and the gut; either way they'd not be happy. That's with the Wolf "black box" FML or HP.

I guess the first thing I'm going to do is blow through the rest of the Wolf I have and work on my shooting practices. After that, I'm going to buy some American Eagle and some Wolf and test them side by side and see what happens. If the AE ammo doesn't perform better than the Wolf, then I guess I'm going to look into getting a new stock.

Either way, I'll have to let y'all know what I find. I'll be hitting the range not this Sunday but the next.


New member
Well, My 2 SKSs, while not exactly tack drivers, are more accurate than most AKs by a wide margin. The SKS-M has a scope, the Yugo doesn't, so I use the -M mostly (vision problems). Wolf is not very accurate maybe 3-5" at 100 yards, but with better ammo this shinks to around 2"-2 1/2" (I shoot 10 shot groups) with maybe one flyer (usually caused/called by me). Note that this is off a bechrest/sandbags. I shoot alot of Wolf any way, as its cheap, and functions fine, and I'm mostly plinking anyway. Even with the Wolf, I would have no problem hitting the torso of a man-sized target at 200 yards, which is all I would expect out of an SKS. I have other (bolt) guns for really accurate/long range stuff.