Wolf ammo from P95


New member
The Ruger P95 is the only one of my 9mm's that will digest the stuff!!! Of course, Rugers will eat anything!!! I like the price, but it smells bad!!!:barf:


New member
Use Blazer .9MM from CCI/Speer instead.

I've never had any trouble whatsoever with it and it costs less than Wolf does.

I pick it up across the counter at Academy Sports for $3.99 a box + tax.

I've got 10 boxes of it in the closet right now and I think its the ultimate plinking ammo.

I've heard bad things about stuck casings, dirty residue, etc. but after having fired over 1000 rounds of the stuff through various guns I have never had even 1 misfire or stovepiped round.

The stuff cleans like any other bullet and I highly reccomend it.

I do not like Wolf though. It shoots to hot and is a mess to clean in my opinion.


Walt Sherrill

New member
Some guns like specific brands of ammo; other guns from the same assembly line don't.

The only problems I've heard about Wolf ammo is that the lacquer coating on the steel case will, with heat, come off and attach itself to the chamber of your gun. It will build up there a little, making it harder to extract the spent casing. Clean the gun thoroughly after use and it will probably not be a problem.

I've found that I can get S&B and CCI Blazer for almost the same price as Wolf -- so I don't bother with Wolf...

Kirk Keller

New member
Wolf Ammo

I've heard a lot of negatives about wolf ammo over the past few months. Most of these comments revolve around the extremely dirty powder they use, causing excessive fouling of the weapon and everything around it (including you if the wind is in your face) and the fact that they use a type of varnish to seal the round which, after your weapon heats up to the varnish's melting point, causes emptied cases to stick in the chamber and further fouls the weapon.

Bottom line is that whatever you save in cost, you will pay in effort getting your weapon clean. Avoid the wolf ammo.


New member
The range I shoot at had banned Wolf ammo from being used inside due to air quality issues. Apparently it was based on an EPA inspection and recomendation.