Woes with a "partially" anti-gun friend...


New member
I have a friend that many of you probably will find interesting. You guys probably haven't seen many people like this. I find his personality to be all the more difficult to convince to pro-RKBA. Now, this guy is smart. And he's also obsessed about guns. What I mean is, he is very much a gun nut in all senses of the word. He likes reading about guns, he owns MANY MANY airsoft guns (he's currently 17 and cannot own any real guns), and he also likes to talk and study about them. But when it comes to RKBA and guns, he completely turns the other way.

Take it from his word. I was talking to him on AIM and I am directly quoting some of his arguments:

"I think that the loose gun control laws of this country make it so that a great number of stupid or violent people can get their hands on them to commit acts of violence upon everyone else. The only way to prevent outbreaks of violence is to prevent any private citizen from obtaining a firearm, which would also mean a more vigorous enforcement of the black market and boarders. It can be done. It has been done in other countries. Thus, I am anti-gun only for the reason that I believe it will significantly lower rates for violent crime, not for any illogical "guns are bad" reasoning. In fact, if gun control laws continue the way they are, I may very well find myself buying a nice K98K or AR-15 sporter for target shooting, since I think I'm both smart enough and enough of a pacifist to never use it in any instance other than life-or-death self preservation. HOWEVER, if the unlikely occurance that a law passes which bans private firearm ownership, I would not resist it. I would applaud it and support it all the way."

His logical reasoning continues:

but about my argument on banning ALL guns... I mean, the obvious parallel is to drugs... the government haven't been able to clamp down on drugs effectively at all. But guns are different. I mean, some kid can't just mix up like a Glock 26 in a bathtub like they can with Meth. And drug lords don't just grow and import CZ75s and fly in like enough for an entire town on some unmarked Cesna.

We go into self defense arguments. He argues against my stance by saying:

I'm a pacifist, you're not...but at times, you seem almost eager to blow away the next guy who asks for your wallet.

He won't buy any arguments about statistics either of course:

Now, you may not believe that a ban on guns will reduce crimes, but it's really just a matter of personal opinion. There may be solid statistical evidence on both sides of argument that says completely opposite things about this issue, so an answer will be impossible to permutate without actually trying it.

He also has some interesting arguments on self defense. He says he couldn't live with himself if he shot someone, but he's not sure about those feelings yet. His logical argument is that guns aren't needed for self defense b/c they make people die, and self defense doesn't require a weapon that can kill. He says that instead the world should work its hardest at alternatives to guns that can perform the same task that a gun can in SD but doesn't kill.

Pshychologically, he argues that all people have inner violent tendencies, and when those tendencies get transfered to a weapon that is SPECIFICALLY designed to kill, then the wrong result occurs. He says other weapons like knifes make it much harder for people to kill other people at a whim or even planned.

Of course, he cites all the low crime rate countries like Japan and Germany.

Finally, I address the topic of guns in the constitution and the purposes of using firearms as a check against the government. He responds by arguing that he believes the era of dictatorships and other totalitarian governments is over in the United States and the current system of checks and balances would never fail to a point that would allow democracy to collapse.

I've already given up on this guy so I've come here for some discussion. Now remember the interesting part of this guy is that he loves guns. He probably shares the equal knowledge and interest that most of you share about firearms. But he is anti-gun onwership.

What shall be done with this guy?


New member
he obviously hasnt played enough violent video games or watched enough tv. poor sheltered child, hes going to make some criminal a very nice victim someday.

his arguments sound good on paper, but will never be reality. not every dealer moves his own product. much of it still is smuggled over borders, just like what would happen if guns were banned and had to be brought into this country by illegal means.

as far as him being a 'pacifist', thats something someone says about themselves until they are put into a position where their ass is on the line. a rapist puts a knife to his mother/sister/wife's throat and he'll pick up a weapon and forget all he ever said about being a pacifist. and if not, well sadly then, he is a waste of genetics and would have been better off used as stem-cell research material. no offense to your friend.

Brian Gibbons

New member
Here's "What shall be done with this guy"...

Assuming that he works for a living and earns an income, arrange to have " the next guy who asks for your wallet" to meet with your friend all alone in a dark alley some night. He may wish to reconsider his present stance ...


New member
One who would do no harm but expects others to put themselves in harm's way to protect them.



New member
He replies that LEO's EXIST so they can protect us.

"If it was our "solemn duty" to protect ourselves...why would LEO's even exist?"

He responds to the above posts:

"I have no qualms about me owning a gun and perhaps using it in extreme cases of self-defense. I'd rather not, just because of my moral views on the mater, but that doesn't go into my arguments on gun control. Like I said, I believe that I am non-violent, smart, and patient enough so that I would not be a danger to others unneccesarily with a gun. I wouldn't want just ANYONE to own a gun because they may not meet those standards. The only to do this is total disarmament."

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
It is a circular argument: "total" disarmament is only possible when a sizable number of armed people enforce it. In any other case, the first guy to make a Sten wins the neighborhood and the right to pillage, burn and abuse its inhabitants. So his solution is a non-solution...can't be effected unless he or his delegates are willing to kill anyone not complying.


Moderator Emeritus
I'd be interested to find out...

...how he plans to entirely get rid of guns.

He is, of course, aware that in Japan (the nation with possibly the most draconian firearms laws of any industrialized country) the Yakuza seem to have no difficulty in obtaining firearms for their criminal enterprises.

To make them completely go away in a country with an "installed user base" of 100,000,000 or more firearms would be utterly impossible. Some would get buried, many (if not most) are absolutely unaccounted for in any official database (most of mine, f'rinstance), guns would be stolen from the police and military due to the exorbitant prices they'd command on the black market.

There are criminals in the UK with Czech machine pistols and shorty AK's; where did they come from? They certainly weren't "mixed up in a bathtub like a batch of meth".


New member
IF, he can read.
And IF, he can comprehend what he reads.

You might try this on him. It is very long, starts out as an argument for disarming the people, but then gets into the legal and moral justifications for NOT disarming. Rather it makes a tremendous case for the unrestricted bearing of arms by all CITIZENS.

Again tho...be warned, it is long and not an easy read. It would be easy for him to take parts from the first few pages and use them, out of context, to bolster his point.

Having been duly warned....here it is.



New member
In fact, if gun control laws continue the way they are, I may very well find myself buying a nice K98K or AR-15 sporter for target shooting, since I think I'm both smart enough and enough of a pacifist to never use it in any instance other than life-or-death self preservation.

Typical elitist philopophy. I for one would feel more comfortable with all the "salt of the earth" truck drivers, farmers, barbers, store clerks et cetera owning guns than a few "smart guys". Interesting to study the IQs of killers. You'd be surprised to find out how many are superior intellects. Some superior intellect/killers who come to mind are Hitler, the Unabomber, Ted Kennedy. All with the same sort of delusions of grandeur.


New member
Oleg: You make a very good logical point. He says that people who would resist would get arrested...which leads me to:

C.R. Sam...that is a VERY good article and almost directly addresses his stance. I will certainly show it to him.

MeekandMild: Your analysis is probably correct. He is somewhat of an elitist and that is what is skewing his views.


You can't argue with this guy. He's an elitist.

You won't be able to convince him that anyone else is fit to own guns but him. That's because he believes he's smarter and more moral than other people.

The LE argument won't touch him because he believes that they aren't as good as he is. In other words, he and others like him can take advantage of LEs inherent violent tendencies to keep their own personal morality/paradigm intact. That is LE's function in his opinion.

This guy is actually the typical top-level anti-gunner. In your mind, he's different cause he enjoys guns and sees the practicality of them. In reality he's just plain anti-gun. No different from Carl Rowan or Diane Feinstein who are rabidly and publicly anti-gun but have been shown to keep firearms for their own defense.

By top-level, I mean he's going to end up being one of the guys who pushes gun control--not one of the sheep at the bottom who are foolishly talked into gun control because they are too blind to understand the issues involved.

He's also pretty young--which means he knows everything and you can't tell him anything. There's some hope for him--it's amazing how much people realize they don't know as they age from 17 to 25...


New member
JohnKSa: Your response makes sense and addresses his way of thinking well. He is inherently somewhat arrogant. I'm going to try to tell him about this and see what he says but its likely that you're right. I can't argue with him even if he concedes many of my arguments.


New member
As soon as I saw:

I wouldn't want just ANYONE to own a gun because they may not meet those standards.

All I could think was - "ELITIST!"

Hey, maybe we should install literacy laws to ensure that only those people who are educated enough to read can vote!

"If it was our "solemn duty" to protect ourselves...why would LEO's even exist?"

LEO's are not bound to protect individuals, just society as a whole.

which would also mean a more vigorous enforcement of the black market and boarders. It can be done. It has been done in other countries.

Countries that have a chance at keeping guns out are generally islands (England, Japan). It's quite a different matter to seal thousands of miles of land-border.

Pshychologically, he argues that all people have inner violent tendencies, and when those tendencies get transfered to a weapon that is SPECIFICALLY designed to kill, then the wrong result occurs.

Err.. if ALL people have inner violent tendancies.. doesn't HE have one as well? How can he be comfortable owning a gun if that evil piece of metal is going to cause him to go on a shooting spree?

Again, he's better than the rest of us... that's why it won't happen.



New member
What do you do with him? Simple. Leave him alone for a few years.

By the time I was 17, I knew everything there was to know. I've been getting dumber ever since.

Your friend is too "smart" (in his own estimation) for his own good. He's a pansophist, and time cures that....


New member
I mean, some kid can't just mix up like a Glock 26 in a bathtub like they can with Meth
Wrong. I have seen kids/adults/guerrillas make guns out of all sorts of everyday items in El Salvador. Where there is a will ...


Moderator Emeritus
Pshychologically, he argues that all people have inner violent tendencies, and when those tendencies get transfered to a weapon that is SPECIFICALLY designed to kill, then the wrong result occurs.

Hmmm. My guns must be broken or something, because despite having a few dozen lying around, many of them loaded, they've never killed anyone, no matter how mad I got. Go figure. :confused:


New member
I mean, some kid can't just mix up like a Glock 26 in a bathtub like they can with Meth.
Ask him how he thinks guns are produced. :rolleyes:

I don't think you need a huge factory to make guns, although it makes it a lot cheaper to do. But as the War on Drugs has shown, price is no object when you want something bad enough.

And drug lords don't just grow and import CZ75s and fly in like enough for an entire town on some unmarked Cesna.
No, drug lords don't. No one does, now. But why does he think that if guns are banned that the new "gun lords" won't do this? Because he made it illeagal?

You make a very good logical point. He says that people who would resist would get arrested...
And what is necissary to arrest those who resist? GUNS! So, the ATF and military gets guns. Which they will NEVER abuse or loose, of course. And stealing is illeagal, so no one could take their guns from them, right?


New member
make a glock 26 in a bathtub?

No not quite but any fool can make a 12 gage shotgun out of locally avaiable steel plumbers pipe! show him the design for the 4 winds shotgun. Its amazingly simple to make, use and dispose of afterwards. Anybody can do it.


New member
Now, you may not believe that a ban on guns will reduce crimes, but it's really just a matter of personal opinion. There may be solid statistical evidence on both sides of argument that says completely opposite things about this issue, so an answer will be impossible to permutate without actually trying it

THIS is what you get when schools teach young people that there are no absolute right and wrong. In a world where opinions carry the same weight as facts there is no place for logic and justice.

here's one of the best retorts to his mindless type of anti gun position
