Wives and guns--do yours get along?


New member
It's days like today that I have to take a step back, smile, and say "wow, I've really got it good."

The last couple weeks have had my stress levels off the charts, and my better-half pointed out that I'm really PMS'ing (I've reciently come to identify this as "PRIMAL MALE-NESS SHORTAGE-ing"... And she said very bluntly---"You need to just take a whole day and get to the range!" GOOD IDEA!!

Yup, I have it good...

How do you and yours get along?


Sometimes my guns get jelous because I don't cuddle with them. Sometimes the girlfreind gets jelous because I know my guns inside and out. If only she came with a lock and a manual.:D


New member
First the good news. My GF has decided to get a Kimber .45.

Now the bad news. My GF has decided to get my Kimber!:eek: :D

Just gives me an excuse to upgrade.:D

And just think we'll be able to share mags!:cool:


If only she came with a lock and a manual.
I'd be happy if they just came with a manual (womanual ?) NukemJim


New member
My wife & I shoot together pretty regularly. We'll do so tomorrow.

Oh -- and she bought me my AR-15 for Christmas a few years back.

No complaints here!


New member
Looks like there's a few of us in the same boat.

My guns are "ours",,,her guns are "her's".

Yes, she gets along fine with most of "our" guns....
Then gloms on to what she likes and it becomes "her's - - and I'm not allowed to use it.:D

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Hal and Cowboy, I can really sympathize! :(

About six or seven years ago, my wife wanted to get an elk gun. We browsed around and she decided upon this stainless Ruger KM77 in .300wm.

Fast forward 6 months.

We were out in the desert target shooting and all of a sudden, she walked over, handed me her .300 and deftly took my Marlin 1894 levergun while saying, "here this is yours, I want the Marlin." and walked back to the firing line.... I get to have the .44 lever "on loan," unless we are both at the range.

Oh... She has a SP101 in .357 that she won't let me shoot. I get the job of reloading for it, but can't shoot it.


New member
My wife of 37 years says that my guns don't bother her one way or the other. However, every time we leave the house together she'll manage to pat my strong side to see if the gun is there....... it always is.

Her thing is flowers...... she wants to beautify the range..:rolleyes: Tulips at 50 yards wouldn't be too tough. shhhh.


New member
I've been married to the same woman for over 41 years and she's just fine with my arsenal. She has a concealed pistol permit and some guns of her own, but she doesn't go shooting with me very often. On the other hand, she encourages me to go as often as I want. I think she senses the therapeutic effects of a day in the woods. What a great woman.


New member
My wife went with me the first trip to the range with my new Kimber Pro Eclipse. After shooting 1 mag she asked to shoot it. It has been hers ever since. I 'had' to go buy an Ultra CDP for myself. Now the only time I have permission to handle the Eclipse is to clean it. Other than that she allows me to buy what ever I want (within reason), she recently gave her blessing to the purchase of a S&W M29. Maybe she will shoot it and demand we get the Python I have been wanting.;)


New member
The last two or three I bought, were kinda her idea.

"Honey, I think really like that one."

"But don't you already have a few .22 pistols?"

"No, not exactly like this one. Those have plastic grips, this is lovely cocobolo!"

"Well, I do think the wood is prettier"

"Maybe I'll get it another time...:(

"No, you better get it right now! Remember when you didn't buy that HK in the pawn shop? I don't want to listen to you bitching later.":rolleyes:

So I comply with her wishes

Don't y'all tell her that they sell aftermarket grips, nor that selling a used gun is legal in this county.


New member
my wife hates guns and often throws the number i own in my face. she has never been shooting with me.

that being said, she bought me a 10FP for my birthday a few months ago, and recommended that we buy my two daughters .22s for this past Christmas.

i can't figure any of this out . :confused:


New member
Being new to the firearm community I don't yet have an "established" relationship with my wife and sidearm. However, I believe she is starting to realize that when I told her I wanted to get a pistol it was more than a fanciful idea. I believe she really started to know I was serious right after she sat down next to me at a gun show and watched me sign the paper work necessary to arm myself. Then on the way to the car she said, "now, you're going to keep that gun unloaded and locked in a case right?" I believe the immediate "look" I gave her was responsible for her reluctant response of, "okay well at least it needs to be somewhere where the cats/dogs won't accidentally set it off and when we have kids etc. etc!" I further established the relationship between my wife and my Colt .45 by taking less than a week after the purchase to get my CHL. I can't wait to see the look on her face after she realizes that from now on going to dinner is no longer just between she and I.
Next on As The Gun Fires. . .The Nash tries to convince the wife to make the three-some a four-some by buying her her OWN GUN! AHHHHHH!;)


New member
Primal maleness shortage-ing, I'm going to have to use that line at some point. Very funny! :D

As per moi, no she's really not thrilled about it (because she grew up that way), but accepting of my limited collection so long as the house doesn't turn into an armed camp and I don't try to drag her out to the range. This works out OK, since I don't want nor can afford a particularly large collection, and certainly don't want to take her or anybody else shooting that really has no desire to do so. She has her hobbies, I have mine, and this is one of them. Works for us ... for now, anyways!

Somehow, I don't think she'll ever buy me a gun, though. You guys are lucky.


New member
Yep - this is what she got me last year for our 25th anniversary!



Winchester 1895 High Grade 30-06.

And this for our 26th this year.


Colt's MKIV/Series 70 Government Model 45 ACP (1970 product)

All she got was a little diamond ring - she's convinced she came out ahead!:rolleyes:

Besides, she prefers revolvers.



New member
No wife, yet (phew! *wipes brow*)
But when I say yes, she'll have to be OK with me owning, shooting, and introducing our kids to firearms at 12 to 14 years old.

I've got some time here, but this might be a tall order to fill in San Diego. Might have to go back to the Mid West to find a good woman. :p


Mine cleaned her G35. I bought it for her to shoot IPSC with. We took it to the range a couple of times, but the grip is too big for her and the recoil hurts the web of her hand. Now I have a G35 and we are still looking for her perfect IPSC gun.


New member
My wife has no problem with my guns,and every time i get a new one she just smiles and says"what are you getting me now?"She has shot my guns a couple of times and is going to get her pistol permit.She has no problems about me carrying and feels safer when I am.The first time she shot my vaquero we were shooting some cans,and the first shot she took,she hit the can and sent it flying in the air like she was annie oakley or something.I haven't lived that one down yet.