With the advent of drones: Anti-material effectiveness of handguns

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New member
Even in the light of several drone-related discussions here on TFL, it's still a very hypothetic and futuristic issue. However, flying and crawling guided objects will see increasing use on battlefields and with LE. Thus, maybe a few years from now discussing the effectiveness of a handgun might not only comprise its might to incapacitate a BG, but a drone as well.

Again, it's highly hypothetical, but: Will the same rules apply? Or will one need, say, less single-shot power in favor of quick multi-shot capability to bring down a mini-drone flying on roof height? Or, another thought, less expansion but more steel-penetration to fight a robotic intruder?

I'm strictly talking handguns here, while being aware that, IF at hand, a rifle or shotgun might better suit the task.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I'm going to close this as not relevant to the mission of TFL.

With no offense, shooting at a drone in the air is an incredibly risky civilian proposition. A miss sends a round into the surrounding area.

While this may not be a problem in a battlefield, it is in the TFL typical environment.

Sorry - closed.
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