With due apologies to Taurus...........


New member
Ok, over the last year or so, since I bought my 455 45ACP Tracker, I have had quite a few problems with the gun. After several trip's for warranty service (it kept locking up) they finally replaced it with a another, which had a cylinder out of round, which they also repaired.

Had a smith do a little action work on it as it was stiff.

With the numerous trips to Miami and the smith's work, it finally is about 99% of what I desire in accuracy, 90% of what I like in a trigger and only about 50% of what I prefer in a smooth operating action. My Colts & Smiths, hands-down are much much better in that buttery action. But like I said, the accuracy is very good..

I Mother Mag'ed the finish to make it a bright stainless, which look's very nice. The reason I bought in the first place over the Smith 45ACP was that I prefer vented ribbed revolvers.

For a $325 gun, got a big discount from MSRP from a gun store going out of business, it ain't bad. Given the choice between a Colt or Smith for twice the money, I'll take the Colt or Smith, but the Taurus ain't bad.

That's the best I can do with my apologies to Taurus................ck


New member
I hadda few Taurus revolvers , one locked up every once in a while but I fed it crap and never cleaned it. :eek:
The other one does fine but I clean my guns alot better now :cool:
Their not the best , just good enough
I dont use it as a carry gun so thats fine


I too have settled for less

I told Al Queda and the rest of the hoodlum world that I'd be acceppting less quality firearms from now on. All the creeps agreed not to start anything until I had enough time to get back to the armory and get the real guns ready.


What? You put 3000 rounds through your J-frame, and it was being rebuilt? I didn't think that you stinky-handed he-men ever fired your J-frames. That IS what you said.

Al-Queda is surely as afraid of you heroes as are the hoodlums that continue to run Los Angeles.

It's a shame that we don't have a Comedy Forum here, you'd be a big hit.