Winter Shooting


New member
I'm on my last night in Florida and tomorrow i will be heading back to the frigid landscape of Minnesota with ten below and fourteen inches of new snow.

But really what I want to know is. . . Of those of you who live in the north how do you shoot in the winter and what kind of shooting do you do?

Normally I don't do much but the last two years I just can't wait out the winter. So I dawn my cold gear and head out into the snowbanks. Does anyone have any good targets to make it easier in the snow?

Tucker 1371

New member
Have you ever seen Shoot-N-See (or maybe it's Shoot-N-C) targets? They're all black and have either neon orange or neon green rings. I like them a lot to use down here in Georgia cause when you shoot them the paper underneath the black is the same neon color as the rings so you can easily see where you hit w/ out a scope or anything. I would think they'd stand out really well against snow.

B. Lahey

New member
I like shooting in the snow. If it's really frosty, try using latex gloves. One crusty old guy at the range turned me on to them when he saw me suffering. They keep your hands very warm but are so thin they do not effect your grip or anything else. Very handy when the wind-chill dips far into the negative numbers.


New member
I usually go out once a week, shoot till Im numb then warm up on the indoor range. maybe ill try those laytex cloves :)


New member
If you are shooting a .22 make sure it is a tube feed. Trying to press those litte rounds into a box mag with gloves is a PITA. Larger rounds generally aren't as much of a problem.


New member
Hell, i've lived in montana for all my young twenty years and i have found that the best target to see over the snow would have to be one of them big ole coyotes:D:D:D. They stand out great and you'll for sure know if you nailed him... But if your just shooting targets i agree with the Shoot_N_C targets they are a time saver at the range for sure.