Wind compensation


New member
Hey guys!

I have some questions about wind dope sheets for LR shooting.

How do you compensate for different wind speeds/values without using a ballistic software?

Usually, I will take a shot, and see how far the wind has deflected my bullet in MOA's. After that, I then compensate in MOA's.

So, some of us have dope sheets, and usually those dope sheets have a wind compensation chart for one value and one wind speed.

Is there a mathmatical formula out there to help compensate for wind, so I don't have to use a ballistics calculator all the time?

Of course, I could just go out and shoot a lot more to get more practice, but wind and wind values are variables, not constants. So, I would really have to know each load at multiple distances and wind conditions.

Got any easy formulas I can use? Thanks.